Company Database Linking Matrix
The grid illustrates how to link companies between datasets on the WRDS platform. For an alternative format, visit the WRDS Database Linking Tool. To link people between datasets on the WRDS platform, use the WRDS People Link.
This linking information represents our general recommendations. Researchers should adjust linking methods to suit their specific research needs. Please reach out to the WRDS Research Team at WRDS Support if you have suggestions to improve the linking outcome.
CRSP | Compustat | Thomson / Refinitiv | |
Compustat |
Capital IQ |
Audit Analytics |
BoardEx | |||
Bond:TRACE/Mergent FISD |
Bureau van Dijk |
Factset |
ISS: Institutional Shareholder Services | |||
Markit |
OptionMetrics |
Ravenpack | |||
RepRisk | |||
Sustainalytics | |||
Thomson / Refinitiv |
This page will be updated as we document new links. If you would like to offer a way to link datasets that
we have not yet documented, contact the Research Team using WRDS Support
to provide us with this valuable feedback.