WRDS supports our researchers by sponsoring global Best Paper Awards —furthering academic knowledge, enhancing research, improving engagement, and creating societal impact.
Research Paper Awards sponsored by WRDS
3rd Holden Conference in Finance and Real Estate, Indiana University Bloomington
·Best Empirical Discussant: Professor Sasha Indarte, The Wharton School
·Best Theory Discussant: Professor Chaojun Wang, The Wharton School | Professor Pavel Zryumov, University of Rochester
·WRDS Best Paper Award: A New Theory of Credit Lines (with Evidence) Jason Donaldson, University of Southern California | Naz Koont, Stanford University | Giorgia Piacentino, University of Southern California | Victoria Vanasco, CREi
European Financial Management Association
Transaction Costs and Cost Mitigation in Option Investment Strategies
James O'Donovan, City University of Hong Kong | Gloria Yang Yu, Singapore Management University
Asian Finance Association
The Stock-Bond Correlation: A Tale of Two Days
Grace Xing Hu, Tsinghua University | Zhao Jin, Central
University of Finance and Economics | Jun Pan, Shanghai Jiao
Tong University
Western Finance Association (WFA)
Climate Innovation and Carbon Emissions: Evidence from Supply Chain Networks
Ulrich Hege, Toulouse School of Economics; European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI) | Kai Li, Peking University HSBC Business School | Yifei Zhang, Peking University, HSBC Business School
Eastern Finance Association (EFA)
New Technology and Business Dynamics
Tom Meling, The Ohio State University | Hans Hvide, University of Bergen
Corporate Governance Conference, LeBow College of Business, Drexel University
Production and Externalities: The Role of Ownership Structure
Michael Wittry, The Ohio State University | Alvin Chen, Stockholm School of Economics.
2nd Holden Conference in Finance and Real Estate, Indiana University Bloomington
Mortgage Lock-In, Mobility, and Labor Reallocation
Julia Fonseca, UIUC | Lu Liu, Wharton Finance
Best Discussant Awards: Christoph Schiller, Ohio State University | Will Diamond, Wharton Finance
The Microstructure Exchange
Would Order-By-Order Auctions Be Competitive?
Thomas Ernst, University of Maryland | Chester S. Spatt, Carnegie Mellon University | Jian Sun, Singapore Management University
Midwest Finance Association
Safety Nets, Credit, and Investment: Evidence from a Guaranteed Income Program
Pulak Ghosh, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore | Nishant Vats, Washington University in Saint Louis
Eastern Finance Association
Does a VC’s commitment lead to improved investment outcomes? Evidence from climate startups
Aaron Burt, University of Oklahoma | Jarrad Harford, University of Washington | Jared Stanfield, University of Oklahoma | Jason Zein, University of New South Wales
European Financial Management Association (EFMA)
Paid Family Leave Laws and Firm Resource Allocation
Samuel Piotrowski, Norwegian School of Economics
Western Finance Association
Wharton School-WRDS for Best Empirical Finance Paper
Political Divide and the Composition of Households’ Equity Portfolios
Yihui Pan, University of Utah | Elena S. Pikulina, University of British Columbia | Stephan Siegel, University of Washington | Tracy Wang, University of Minnesota
Corporate Governance Conference, LeBow College of Business, Drexel University
Sustainability or Greenwashing: Evidence from the Asset Market for Industrial Pollution
Ran Duchin, Boston College | Janet Gao, McDonough School of Business | Qiping Xu, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
Midwest Finance Association (MFA)
After the Storm: How Emergency Liquidity Helps Small Businesses Following Natural Disasters
Ben Collier, Temple University | Sabrina Howell, New York University | Lea Rendall, University of Maryland
Midwest Finance Association (MFA)
Outstanding Paper Award
Safety Nets, Credit, and Investment: Evidence from a Guaranteed Income Program
Nishant Vats, University of Chicago | Pulak Ghosh, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore
Chinese Finance Annual Meeting (CFAM)
WRDS Best Paper Award
FinTech, Banking and Monetary Policy Transmission
Yueteng Zhu and Jiajun Lu, Zhejiang University
Craig W. Holden Memorial Conference, Indiana University Bloomington
WRDS Best Paper Award
Price Ceilings, Market Structure, and Payout Policies
Xiongshi Li, Guangxi University of Finance and Economics | Mao Ye, Cornell University | Miles Zheng, Texas Christian University
Best Discussant Award: Kristoph Kleiner, Indiana University
Association of MBAs (AMBA) Business Graduates Associate Excellence Award
International Management Institute (MIM-Kyiv) (Ukraine) with BookChef Publishing House
Eastern Finance Association (EFA)
WRDS Best Paper Award in Corporate Finance
Investment Under Up- and Downstream Uncertainty
Fotis Grigoris, Indiana University
Gill Segal, UNC – Chapel Hill
Midwest Finance Association (MFA)
Outstanding Paper Award, Financial Institutions
Money Creation in Decentralized Finance: A Dynamic Model of Stablecoin and Crypto Shadow Banking
Ye Li, The Ohio State University
Simon Mayer, University of Chicago
Western Finance Association (WFA)
Wharton-WRDS Best Paper Award for Empirical Finance
The Distributional Impact of the Sharing Economy on the Housing Market
Sophie Calder-Wang (The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania)
European Financial Management Association (EFMA)
Value Premium, Network Adoption, and Factor Pricing of Crypto Assets
Lin William Cong (Cornell University; NBER)
George Andrew Karolyi (Cornell University)
Ke Tang (Tsinghua University)
Weiyi Zhao (Tsinghua University)
Southern Finance Association
Flattening the Curve: Pandemic-Induced Revaluation of Urban Real Estate
Arpit Gupta (New York University), Vrinda Mittal (Columbia University), Jonas Peeters (New York University), Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh (Columbia University)
Eastern Finance Association
Investing in influence: Investors, portfolio firms, and political giving
Marianne Bertrand (University of Chicago), Matilde Bombardini (University of California-Berkeley), Ray Fisman (Boston University), Francesco Trebbi (University of California-Berkeley), Eyub Yegen (University of Toronto)
Corporate Governance Conference, LeBow College of Business, Drexel University
CEO Pet Projects
Paul Decaire and Denis Sosyura (Arizona State University)
Western Finance Association
Opening up Military Innovation: Causal Effects of ‘Bottom-Up’ Reforms to U.S. Defense Research
Sabrina T. Howell (New York University), Jason Rathje (United States Air Force), John Van Reenen (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Jun Wong, New York University
European Finance Management Association (EFMA)
Judge Ideology, SEC Enforcement, and Insider Trading
Allen Huang (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), Kai Wai Hu (The University of Hong Kong), Yue Zheng (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology).
Southern Finance Association
The Impact of Tightly Contested Governance Proposals on Firms? Narrative Disclosures: Evidence from a Regression-Discontinuity Design (RDD)
Lin Ge (University of Mississippi), Arup Ganguly (University of Mississippi), Abhishek Ganguly (University of Oklahoma), Chad Zutter, (University of Pittsburgh)
Western Finance Association
The Gender Gap in Housing Returns
Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham (Yale University)
Kelly Shue (Yale University)
Eastern Finance Association
What if Dividends were Tax Exempt? Evidence from a Natural Experiment
Dusan Isakov (University of Fribourg) Christophe Perignon (HEC Paris) Jean-Philippe Weisskopf (Ecole hoteliere de Lausanne)
Drexel Governance Conference
Corporate Governance Through Voice and Exit
Marco Becht (Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management)
Julian R. Franks (London Business School)
Hannes F. Wagner (Bocconi University)
Western Finance Association
Predictably Unequal? The Effects of Machine Learning on Credit Markets
Andreas Fuster (Swiss National Bank)
Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham (Yale School of Management)
Tarun Ramadorai (Imperial College London and CEPR)
Ansgar Walther (Imperial College London)
Southern Finance Association
The Ties that Bind: Work Connections and Mutual Fund Investment Ideas
Egemen Genc (Erasmus University)
Sara Shirley (Middle Tennessee State University)
Jeffrey Stark (Middle Tennessee State University)
Hai Tran (Loyola Marymount University)
Eastern Finance Association
How Can CEOs Retain R&D Workers?
Yosub Jung (Harvard Business School)
Southern Finance Association
Freedom of Choice and Liquidity Co-movement
Pawan Jain (University of Wyoming)
Mohamed Mekhaimer (Clarkson University)
Ronald W. Spahr, (University of Memphis)
Mark A. Sunderman (University of Memphis)
Western Finance Association
All the President’s Friends: Political Access and Firm Value
Jeffrey Brown
Jiekun Huang (University of Illinois)
AsianFA Conference
Forecasting Bond Returns with Real Time Macroeconomic Data: A Predictive Principal Component Approach
Dashan Huang (Singapore Management University),
Fuwei Jiang (Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE)),
Guoshi Tong (University of British Columbia)
EFMA Conference
Do Risk Disclosures Matter When It Counts? Evidence from the Swiss Franc Shock
Luzi Hail (University of Pennsylvania, The Wharton School)
Maximilian Muhn (Humboldt University of Berlin)
David Oesch (University of Zurich)
Eastern Finance Association
Insider Investor and Information
Ehsan Azarmsa (University of Chicago)
Lin William Cong (University of Chicago)
Eastern Finance Association (EFA)
Outstanding Paper Special Topics – Short Selling and Readability in Financial Disclosure
Weike Xu (Clemson University)
Minxing Sun (University of Memphis)
European Financial Management Association (EFMA)
WRDS-Wharton Best Paper Award, Managing the Risk of the “Betting-Against-Beta” Anomaly: Does it Pay to Bet Against Beta?
Pedro Barroso (University of New South Wales)
Paulo Maio (Hanken School of Economics)
Southern Finance Association (SFA)
The Price of Boardroom Social Capital: The Effects of Corporate Demand for External Connectivity,
S. Ferris (University of Missouri)
D. Javakhadze (Florida Atlantic University College of Business)
Y. Liu (Keck Graduate Institute)
Western Finance Association
The Wharton School – WRDS Best Paper Award in Empirical Finance;
What is the Expected Return on a Stock?
Ian Martin (London School of Economics & Political Science)
Christian Wagner (Copenhagen Business School)
Eastern Finance Association:
The Wharton School-WRDS Outstanding Paper in Empirical Research
Conflicts of Interest in Multi-Fund Management
Gerald Abdesaken (West Chester University)
European Financial Management Association (EFMA):
WRDS-Wharton Best Paper Award; “Do Long-Term Investors Improve Corporate Decision Making?“; Jarrad Harford (University of Washington), Ambrus Kecsks (York University), and Sattar Mansi (Virginia Tech)
Western Finance Association:
The Wharton School – WRDS Best Paper Award in Empirical Finance; “Trust Busting: The Effect of Fraud on Investor Behavior“; Umit Gurun (University of Texas-Dallas), Noah Stoffman (Indiana University), Scott Yonker (Cornell University)
Eastern Finance Association:
The Wharton School-WRDS Outstanding Paper in Empirical Research; “The Wealth Effects of the Choice of a Fairness Opinion in M&As: Evidence From a Regression Discontinuity Design”; Tingting Liu (University of Georgia)
Northern Finance Association:
WRDS Award for Best Empirical Paper; “Informed Options Trading prior to M&A Announcements: Insider Trading?”; Patrick Augustin (McGill), Menachem Brenner (NYU), Marti Subrahmanyam (NYU)
Western Finance Association:
The Wharton School – WRDS Best Paper Award in Empirical Finance; “Equity Vesting and Managerial Myopia“; Alex Edmans, Vivian W. Fang, and Katharina A. Lewellen
Eastern Finance Association:
The Wharton School-WRDS Outstanding Paper in Empirical Research; “The Persistence of Opportunistic Insider Trading”; Brandon Cline (Mississippi State University), Sinan Gokkaya (Ohio University), Xi Liu (Ohio University)
Financial Management Association:
Doctoral Student Consortium co-sponsor with S&P Capital IQ
Northern Finance Association:
WRDS Award for Best Empirical Paper; “Model Disagreement and Economic Outlook“; Daniel Andrei (UCLA), Bruce Carlin (University of Toronto), Michael Hasler (University of Toronto)
Western Finance Association:
The Wharton School – WRDS Best Paper Award in Empirical Finance; “Financial Fire Sales: Evidence from Bank Failures“; Raghuram G. Rajan (Governor of the Reserve Bank of India and Distinguished Service Professor of Finance at the Booth School at the University of Chicago), Rodney Ramcharan (Chief of Financial Studies at the US Federal Reserve Board)
Financial Management Association:
Doctoral Student Consortium co-sponsor with S&P Capital IQ
Southern Finance Association:
WRDS Sponsorship, Best Paper Award for Empirical Research; “The Exodus from Sovereign Risk: Sovereign Ceiling Violations in Credit Default Swap Markets”; C. Stace Sirmans (University of Florida), Andy Naranjo (University of Florida), Jongsub Lee (University of Florida)
Western Finance Association:
The Wharton School – WRDS Best Paper Award in Empirical Finance; “Tax Evasion Across Industries: Soft Credit Evidence from Greece“; Margarita Tsoutsoura (University of Chicago), Adair Morse (University of Chicago), Nikolaos Artavanis (Virginia Tech)
Western Finance Association:
The Wharton School – WRDS Best Paper Award in Empirical Finance; “Executive Networks and Firm Policies: Evidence from the Random Assignment of MBA Peers“; Kelly Shue (University of Chicago)
Financial Management Association:
Doctoral Student Consortium co-sponsorship with S&P Capital IQ.
Click here for list of students selected to participate in the 2012 FMA Doctoral Student Consortium being held in conjunction with the 2012 FMA Annual Meeting.
Midwest Finance Association:
WRDS Award for Best PhD Student Paper; “Has Takeover Regulation Altered Value Creation in the European M&A Market“; Sapnoti Eswar (London Business School)
Wharton-WRDS Award for Best Paper on Corporate Finance; “Equity-Holding Institutional Lenders: Do They Receive Better Terms?”; Jongha Lim (University of Missouri), Bernadette Minton (The Ohio State University), Michael Weisbach (The Ohio State University).
Northern Finance Association:
WRDS Award for Best PhD Student Paper; “Has Takeover Regulation Altered Value Creation in the European M&A Market“; Sapnoti Eswar (London Business School)
Wharton-WRDS Award for Best Paper on Corporate Finance; “Equity-Holding Institutional Lenders: Do They Receive Better Terms?“; Jongha Lim (University of Missouri), Bernadette Minton (The Ohio State University), Michael Weisbach (The Ohio State University).
Southern Finance Association:
WRDS Sponsorship, Outstanding Empirical Paper award; “Window Dressing in Mutual Funds“; Gerald Gay (Georgia State University), Vikas Agarwal (Georgia State University, University of Cologne), Leng Ling (Georgia College and State University).
European Financial Management Association (EFMA):
WRDS-Wharton Best Paper Award; “Tick Size Regulation, Intermarket Competition and Sub-Penny Trading“; Sabrina Buti (University of Toronto), Barbara Rindi (Bocconi University), Yuanji Wen (Bocconi University), Ingrid M. Werner (Ohio State University).
Western Finance Association:
The Wharton School – WRDS Best Paper Award in Empirical Finance; “Pay for Performance from Future Fund Flows: The Case of Private Equity“; Ji-Woong Chung (Chinese University of Hong Kong), Berk Sensoy (Ohio State University), Lea Stern (Ohio State University, Michael Weisbach (Ohio State University)
European Financial Management Association (EFMA):
WRDS-Wharton Best Paper Award; “Sovereign Risk Premia“; Nicola Borri (LUISS University, Rome, Italy) and Andrien Verdelhan (MIT Sloan, Boston, MA, United States)
Western Finance Association:
The Wharton School – WRDS Best Paper Award in Empirical Finance; “The Causal Impact of Media in Financial Markets“; Joseph Engelberg (University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill), Christopher Parsons (University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill)
European Financial Management Association (EFMA):
WRDS-Wharton Best Paper; “Arbitrage-free Credit Pricing Using Default Probabilities and Risk Sensitivities“; Dr. Andreas Bloechlinger
Western Finance Association:
The Wharton School – WRDS Best Paper Award for the Best Empirical Finance; “The Diminishing Liquidity Premium“; Ohad Kadan (Washington University in St. Louis), Azi Ben Rephael (Tel-Aviv University), Avi Wohl (Tel-Aviv University)
European Financial Management Association (EFMA):
WRDS-Wharton Best Paper; “Analysis of Financial Decision Making with Loss Aversion”; Professor Valeri Zakamouline ((University of Agder), Professor Steen Koekebakker (University of Agder)
Batten Conference, The College of William & Mary:
WRDS Sponsorship, WRDS Best Paper Award; “Liquidity Biases in Asset Pricing Tests“; Iva Kalcheva
Midwest Finance Association:
Best Paper Award in International Finance sponsored by Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS)
Southern Management Association:
Doctoral Consortium Paper Sponsorship
Southern Finance Association:
WRDS Sponsorship, Empirical Paper award; “A Discrete Choice Model of Dividend Reinvestment Plans: Classification and Prediction“; Thomas P. Boehm (University of Tennessee – Knoxville), Ramon P. DeGennaro (University of Tennessee – Knoxville & Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta)
Midwest Finance Association:
Best Paper in International Finance sponsored by Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS); “Financial Globalization and Risk Sharing: Welfare Effects and the Optimality of Open Markets“; Charles Trzcinka (Indiana University), Andrey Ukhov (Indiana University)
Consejo Latinoamericano de Escuelas de Administracion Instituto Superior de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Mexico
Pablo Lopez Sarabia; “Econometric Estimation of the Risk in Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina Stock Markets“; Universidad de Chile, Chile.
“Forecasting Gold Price Changes: Rolling and Recursive Neural Network Models“; David Diaz solis, Rodrigo Jarpa Ortega, Antonino Parisi Fernandez y Franco Parisi Fernandez
Eastern Finance Association:
Outstanding Graduate Student Paper, Sponsored by Wharton Research Data Services; “Board Independence and Corporate Governance: Evidence from Director Resignations“; Manu Gupta (Graduate Student – Texas A&M University), L. Paige Fields (Texas A&M University)
European Finance Association:
“Takeover Governance and the Cross-section of Returns“; Vinay Nair
Midwest Finance Association:
Oscar R. Goodman Award for the Outstanding Paper in Financial Intermediation Sponsored by Wharton Research Data Services; “Agency Renegotiation in Corporate Finance: Evidence from Syndicated Loans“; Amir Sufi (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Southern Management Association:
Doctoral Consortium Paper Sponsorship
Southern Finance Association:
Best Paper Award-Empirical Research – WRDS; “The Role of Venture Capital Backing in Initial Public Offerings: Certification, Screening, or Market Power?“; Thomas Chemmanur, (Boston College), Elena Loutskina, (Boston College)
Southern Finance Association:
Best Paper Award; “The Survival of Internet IPOs“; Tjalling van der Goot (University of Amsterdam)