27MayInfrastructure Enhancements - May 26, 2021
The following fixes and enhancements were implemented as part of our scheduled maintenance downtime on May 26, 2021:
May 27th, 2021 -
19AprResearch uncovers CEOs’ private monetary motives in capital budgeting decisions
WRDS Best Paper prize awarded during the 2021 Corporate Governance Conference, LeBow College of Business, Drexel University
April 19th, 2021 -
11AprWharton Annual Analytics Conference: May 3-7
Hear from industry leaders about the latest trends in business analytics and gain access to cutting-edge research from top academics.
April 11th, 2021 -
29MarWharton Research Data Services adds Refinitiv Datastream and ESG data to its offerings
Enhance understanding of economic cycles to develop viewpoints and conduct in-depth assessments of how companies are performing across a range of underlying environmental, social and governance themes.
March 29th, 2021 -
09FebEnhanced Ravenpack Analytics Gives Researchers Extensive Scope and Depth of Events
Analyze unstructured content from thousands of publications to extract information on named entities with sentiment, and financially-relevant events.
February 9th, 2021 -
03DecEvolution of Data presented by WRDS during IEX Conference
Academic trends were featured by WRDS Senior Research Director, Luis Palacios, during the Fall conference.
December 3rd, 2020 -
28OctEssex Business School named winner of WRDS-SSRN Innovation Award
The winning business school was announced during the AACSB EMEA Annual Conference.
October 28th, 2020 -
20OctAntai College of Economics and Management awarded the WRDS-SSRN Innovation Prize
The 2020 Asia Pacific region winner was announced during the AACSB Asia Pacific Annual Conference.
October 20th, 2020 -
24SepHaslam College of Business Honored with WRDS-SSRN Innovation Award
The 2020 North America winner was announced during the AACSB Global Accreditation Conference.
September 24th, 2020 -
14SepBest Paper Prize Awarded for Research on Gender Gap in Housing Returns
WRDS Best Paper Award winner highlights that key differences in returns between men and women stem from pricing and timing.
September 14th, 2020 -
03AugAudit Analytics European Data Enables Insight Into Key Audit Matters
Analyze core audit data of 8,000+ public companies
August 3rd, 2020 -
28JulDo work connections impact mutual fund investment ideas?
WRDS Best Paper prize awarded at the Southern Finance Association conference
July 28th, 2020 -
30JunResearch Examines Role of Governance in Portfolio Results
Drexel Governance Conference awards WRDS Best Paper prize
June 30th, 2020 -
30JunWhat role does gender play in accumulation of housing wealth?
WFA awards Wharton-WRDS Best Paper prize for empirical research
June 30th, 2020 -
21JanAre healthcare wraparound services effective in reducing costly hospital visits?
CAHME and Wharton Research Data Services awards paper researchers with CAHME/WRDS Grant
January 21st, 2020 -
02DecWhat is the Impact of Machine Learning on Mortgage Lending?
WRDS Awards WFA Best Paper Prize for Research
December 2nd, 2019 -
07NovDay of Service supports Philadelphia youth in foster care
WRDS partners with Together We Rise
November 7th, 2019 -
05NovNUS Business School wins WRDS-SSRN Innovation award
National University of Singapore School of Business awarded WRDS-SSRN Innovation prize for Asia Pacific Region
November 5th, 2019 -
28OctSouthampton Business School wins prize for research excellence
WRDS-SSRN Innovation Award presented to Southampton Business School
October 28th, 2019 -
25SepLSU wins access to Calcbench data
Calcbench – Harness the full power of XBRL to deliver accurate financial analysis.
September 25th, 2019