30JunComing Soon: Learning Pathways by WRDS
Online learning modules
June 30th, 2020 -
Please note that as part of the University of Pennsylvania’s COVID-19 response plan, WRDS is 100% fully operational but functioning with remote support. We do not anticipate any changes to your service, but if there are significant updates to report, we will post them here. We are committed to supporting your research and teaching during this event and look forward to resuming normal office operations as soon as practicable.
March 12th, 2020 -
21JanAre healthcare wraparound services effective in reducing costly hospital visits?
CAHME and Wharton Research Data Services awards paper researchers with CAHME/WRDS Grant
January 21st, 2020 -
02DecWhat is the Impact of Machine Learning on Mortgage Lending?
WRDS Awards WFA Best Paper Prize for Research
December 2nd, 2019 -
07NovDay of Service supports Philadelphia youth in foster care
WRDS partners with Together We Rise
November 7th, 2019 -
05NovNUS Business School wins WRDS-SSRN Innovation award
National University of Singapore School of Business awarded WRDS-SSRN Innovation prize for Asia Pacific Region
November 5th, 2019 -
28OctSouthampton Business School wins prize for research excellence
WRDS-SSRN Innovation Award presented to Southampton Business School
October 28th, 2019 -
25SepLSU wins access to Calcbench data
Calcbench – Harness the full power of XBRL to deliver accurate financial analysis.
September 25th, 2019 -
22SepScholar Conferences Explore Innovations in Research
Research Trends, Thought-Leadership and Global Collaboration celebrated during programs at the Penn-Wharton China Center in Beijing
September 22nd, 2019 -
17SepWRDS Adds Preqin Data, Covering Alternative Asset Markets
WRDS Adds Preqin Data, Covering Alternative Asset Markets including Private Equity
September 17th, 2019 -
16SepWRDS-SSRN Innovation Award for North America Region
St. John’s University’s, Peter J. Tobin College of Business wins WRDS-SSRN Innovation Award
September 16th, 2019 -
28MayWRDS Adds Healthbase to Growing List of Healthcare Data
Wharton Research Data Services Adds Healthbase to Growing List of Healthcare Data
May 28th, 2019 -
14MayCAHME/WRDS Best Paper for Empirical Research highlights Emergency Department visits
CAHME/WRDS Best Paper for Empirical Research
May 14th, 2019 -
30AprDo companies gain big value from political access?
Listen to WRDS Best Paper Award winners discuss their research on SiriusXM Wharton Business Radio.
April 30th, 2019