S&P Global Market Intelligence

S&P Global Market Intelligence Data Through Wharton Research Data Services

Access data from S&P Global

  • Compustat North America • Compustat Global
  • Compustat Snapshot • S&P Global Ratings
  • SNL Financial Institution data • Capital Structure
  • Key Developments • People Intelligence
  • Transactions • Transcripts
  • S&P ESG data (S&P Global ESG Scores and Trucost)

Learn more about S&P Global

S&P Global Market Intelligence, formerly S&P Capital IQ and SNL Financial, is a division of S&P Global (NYSE: SPGI). The firm is a leading provider of financial and industry data, research, news, and analytics to investment professionals, government agencies, corporations, and universities worldwide. S&P Global Market Intelligence integrates news, comprehensive market and sector-specific data, and analytics into a variety of tools to help track performance, generate alpha, identify investment ideas, understand competitive and industry dynamics, perform valuation and assess credit risk.

For more information: www.spglobal.com/marketintelligence


Product Description

Data Last Updated

ciq_capstrct Capital IQ Capital Structure

Last updated October 16th, 2024. Data updated quarterly.

ciq_common Capital IQ Helper

Last updated September 5th, 2024. Data updated quarterly.

ciq_keydev Capital IQ Key Developments

Last updated October 15th, 2024. Data updated quarterly.

ciq_pplintel Capital IQ People Intelligence

Last updated October 15th, 2024. Data updated quarterly.

ciq_ratings Capital IQ Ratings

Last updated October 15th, 2024. Data updated quarterly.

ciqsamp_transactions CIQ Transactions Sample

Data update frequency is not defined.

ciqsamp_transcripts Capital IQ Sample Transcripts

Last updated October 5th, 2023. Data update frequency is not defined.

ciq_transactions Capital IQ Transactions

Last updated October 15th, 2024. Data updated quarterly.

ciq_transcripts Capital IQ Transcripts

Last updated October 15th, 2024. Data updated quarterly.

comp_bank S&P Compustat Bank

Legacy data is no longer updated.

comp_bank_daily Compustat Bank - daily updates

Last updated October 21st, 2024. Data updated daily.

comp_execucomp S&P Compustat Executive Compensation

Last updated October 4th, 2024. Data updated monthly.

comp_filings S&P Filing Dates

Last updated August 24th, 2016. Legacy data is no longer updated.

comp_global S&P Compustat Global

Legacy data is no longer updated.

comp_global_daily Compustat Global - daily updates

Last updated October 21st, 2024. Data updated daily.

comp_global_legacy Compustat Legacy - Global

Legacy data is no longer updated.

comp_na_annual_all S&P Compustat North America - annual update (current + historical data)

Last updated July 1st, 2022. Legacy data is no longer updated.

comp_na_daily_all Compustat North America - daily updates (current + historical data)

Last updated October 22nd, 2024. Data updated daily.

comp_na_daily_current Compustat North America - daily updates (current data only)

Last updated October 21st, 2024. Data updated daily.

comp_na_legacy Compustat Legacy - North America

Legacy data is no longer updated.

comp_na_monthly_all S&P Compustat North America - monthly update (current + historical)

Legacy data is no longer updated.

comp_na_monthly_current S&P Compustat North America - monthly update (current data only)

Legacy data is no longer updated.

comp_ph S&P Compustat Preliminary History (Charter Oaks)

Last updated October 5th, 2024. Data updated quarterly.

comp_pit S&P Compustat Point in Time (Charter Oaks)

Last updated October 5th, 2024. Data updated quarterly.

comp_ratings S&P Ratings - legacy

Legacy data is no longer updated.

comp_segments_hist S&P Compustat Historical Segments

Legacy data is no longer updated.

comp_segments_hist_daily Compustat Historical Segments - daily updates

Last updated October 21st, 2024. Data updated daily.

comp_snapshot Compustat Snapshot

Last updated October 9th, 2024. Data updated monthly.

comp_urq S&P Compustat Unrestated Quarterly (Charter Oaks)

Last updated October 5th, 2024. Data updated quarterly.

snl_br SNL Bank Regulatory (Legacy)

Last updated November 17th, 2023. Legacy data is no longer updated.

snl_fundamentals SNL Fundamentals (Legacy)

Last updated October 22nd, 2021. Legacy data is no longer updated.

sp_esg S&P ESG

Last updated October 7th, 2024. Data updated monthly.

trucost_carbon Trucost Analytics: Carbon Earnings at Risk

Last updated October 7th, 2024. Data updated monthly.

trucost_common Trucost Common Tables

Last updated September 2nd, 2024. Data updated monthly.

trucost_environ Trucost Environmental

Last updated October 7th, 2024. Data updated monthly.

trucost_fossilfuel Trucost Environmental: Fossil Fuels

Last updated October 7th, 2024. Data updated monthly.

trucost_paris Trucost Analytics: Paris Alignment

Last updated October 7th, 2024. Data updated monthly.

trucost_risk Trucost Analytics: Physical Risk

Last updated October 7th, 2024. Data updated monthly.

trucost_sector_ff Trucost Environmental: Fossil Fuels Sector

Last updated October 7th, 2024. Data updated monthly.

trucost_sector_revenue Trucost Environmental: Revenue Sector

Last updated October 7th, 2024. Data updated monthly.

ciqsamp_capstrct Capital IQ Sample Capital Structure Sample

Data update frequency is not defined.

ciqsamp_common Capital IQ Sample Helper Sample

Data update frequency is not defined.

ciqsamp_keydev Capital IQ Sample Key Developments Sample

Last updated January 8th, 2024. Data update frequency is not defined.

ciqsamp_pplintel Capital IQ Sample People Intelligence Sample

Last updated November 8th, 2021. Data update frequency is not defined.

ciqsamp_ratings Capital IQ Sample Ratings Sample

Last updated January 9th, 2023. Data update frequency is not defined.

compsamp_all S&P Compustat North America Sample Sample

Last updated April 20th, 2021. Data update frequency is not defined.

compsamp_snapshot Compustat Snapshot - Sample Sample

Data update frequency is not defined.

trucost_samp Trucost Sample Sample

Last updated November 20th, 2023. Data updates are not scheduled.



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New York, NY
United States

Additional Tools

Linking Financial Statements

Students will learn how the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement are interrelated.

  • Visualize links with simple illustrations
  • Work with a real-world company

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Financial Ratios Visualization

Students become acquainted with a broad range of financial ratios using this sophisticated and intuitive visualization tool.

  • Over 70 different ratios organized by category
  • Compare to industry averages
  • Fully interactive visualizations

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