Supporting the needs of 75,000+ corporate, academic, and government researchers in 38 countries, WRDS is the global gold standard in business intelligence, data validation, innovative tools, analytics, data management, and insight into the latest innovations in research.
The Difference Is In The Data

Data on WRDS
WRDS democratizes data access so that all disciplines can easily search for concepts across the data repository. Partnering with global vendors, WRDS hosts 350+TB of data — the broadest collection of data on the most robust computing infrastructure to give users the power to analyze complex information at speeds of up to 400MB per second.

Multiple Delivery Options
Access to data alone is not enough for today’s results-driven research environment.
Choose the WRDS web interface to access data remotely with one-click and remote access. Researchers with stronger programming skills can access the WRDS client server using PCSAS Connect, Stata, Matlab, R, C, Fortran, Python, or SAS. WRDS Cloud enables you to dig deep into big data analytics.

Unique WRDS Offerings
Linking Tools | A summary of all the resources at WRDS that help link a company or person in one database with the same company or person in another database. More About Linking Tools
Classroom by WRDS | A teaching toolkit designed specifically for instructors who are introducing finance and business concepts. More about Classrooom
Analytics by WRDS | Powerful analytics tools support researchers — get more out of your data with less effort. More about Analytics More about Analytics

Support | The WRDS Support Team of doctoral-level Specialists answer all questions relating to research and data. Our staff is deeply knowledgeable about our customized, trademarked analytics and tools, helping to navigate your research accurately and efficiently.
Research Services | Access customized training, sample programs, and tutorials
Rigorous Data Review | All data validation by top-tier academics and experts.
Applications | Transparent and ready-to-use algorithms, these research applications cover a wide range of topics representing various areas of research, including:
- Develop financial algorithms from simple benchmarking to complex valuations and back-testing
- Portfolio Constructions and Market Anomalies
- Event Studies
- Linking Databases
- Risk and Valuation Measures
- Microstructure Research and many more
Consulting Services | Drawing on the extensive experience of our doctoral-level researchers to help you gain critical insights from today’s complex business and financial fields. Our methodology combines the industry’s most respected scholars and researchers, advanced analytics and global data services to provide your organization with an extensive set of solutions.
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New Data
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