WRDS Rep Guide: Approving Class Accounts

Step-by-step instructions for WRDS Representatives reviewing faculty requests for class accounts.


Class accounts are designed so that students can have access to the institution's WRDS subscription for completing coursework. These are temporary accounts, created by faculty at the institution who would like to enhance a course by having students use real-world data from the WRDS platform. As a WRDS Representative, you will be required to review the instructor’s request to set up a class account and either approve or deny the request within the recommended timeframe of five business days.

We have recently enhanced class accounts so that students now have individual accounts instead of using a shared account. However, you will not be required to approve the students enrolling in these accounts. As soon as you approve a class account, the instructor will receive an email notification which will include a unique “Course Code” to distribute to their students. This code will enable students to automatically enroll without any additional action on your part. Any students having trouble setting up their class accounts should be directed to WRDS Support. Each class can only run for one semester.

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How to Review Class Accounts

You will be notified by email when an instructor requests a class account.

  1. Click the link in the email to automatically access your Pending Account Requests.
  2. Scroll to the Pending Classes table. Each of the rows is a request for a new Class.
  3. You may approve or deny each request by clicking the appropriate button on that row.

As you decide whether to approve an account request, keep in mind that class accounts are meant to be used for a specific course at the institution and must have defined start and end dates. Students will only be able to access the WRDS web interface during that time.

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Editing Class Accounts

As you are reviewing pending class accounts, you can click on the class name to edit the information submitted for the class account prior to approval.

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Faculty/Instructor Responsibilities for Class Accounts

Our guide for faculty members creating class accounts includes a sample letter for them to send to students. This important communication explains to students how to access WRDS and create their accounts (which requires Duo 2-factor authentication), as well as the unique “Class Code” that students will need to successfully complete the process. For your own reference, we have provided the sample communication below. This communication could be sent to students via email or provided with the other course materials on a course management system.

If for some reason the instructor needs the unique class code to be regenerated, please have them contact WRDS Support.

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Sample Communication Faculty Send to Students


New to WRDS?

Our upcoming course requires that you create a WRDS account. Use the following link to access the WRDS Registration form at https://wrds-www.wharton.upenn.edu/register/?user_type=class-student

  1. Follow the directions on the Registration form to enter your identifying information.
  2. For the Subscriber, select your school's name from the drop-down list.
  3. Your User type, Class - Students with Code, has been selected by default.
  4. Enter [___________] as the Class Code.
  5. Click the Register for WRDS button.

WRDS accounts require two-factor authentication. We recommend you use a smartphone for the verification process. First, install the Duo Mobile app on your phone. This free app can be downloaded through your device’s app store. Follow the directions at How to Log into WRDS to register your smartphone and use Duo two-factor authentication to set up your WRDS account.

Already Have a WRDS Account?
After you have logged into WRDS, use the following steps to enroll in our class account. You will need the Class Code above to enroll.

  1. In the top right corner of the screen, select Your Account > Your Account Info.
  2. Scroll down until you see the Your Classes table and click the Enroll in a Class button.
  3. Enter the Class Code and click Submit.

IMPORTANT: If you have any difficulty setting up your account please contact WRDS Support at: https://wrds-www.wharton.upenn.edu/contact-support/. When opening your support ticket you must use the email associated with your existing WRDS account, or the email you intend to use to set up your new WRDS account.

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How to Access Class Usage Reports

Each class has a Class Usage Report designed for faculty to monitor class activity. Both you and the instructor can access this report. It provides details on the queries run by students enrolled in a class.

Important: Each Class Usage Report is merely a subset of data you already receive in your WRDS Usage Reports.

To access a Class Usage Report:

  1. In the top left corner of the screen, Select Your Account > Your Account Info.
  2. Your Courses page appears. Click the link entitled Show All Classes at Your Institution.
  3. Scroll down to Your Courses and click the Your Classes Landing Page button.
  4. A list of all your faculty’s classes appears. Select a class by clicking on the class name.
  5. Click the Class Usage Report button.
  6. The Usage Report appears, displaying the details on queries run by users enrolled in this class.

Keep in mind each student’s usage includes all WRDS queries run on the platform during the dates set for the class. Usage is not limited to only the queries the student’s ran for the purposes of the class.

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