OTC, TRACE, Federal Judicial Center data and more are included with your WRDS access.
Federal Judicial Center
WRDS has partnered with the Federal Judicial Center’s (FJC) to provide a litigation database and linking for all federal Appeals, Bankruptcy, Criminal, and Civil suits.
- WRDS-developed linking tables for FJC include bankruptcy, civil, and criminal.
- Access tradeoffs between civil and criminal litigation pursued against firms, U.S. administrative agency appeals, and criminal justice issues including trial lengths, appeals, and penalties.
Access comprehensive, timely and accurate data available on the 10K securities that trade on the OTCQX, OTCQB and OTC Pink Marketplaces.
- Access closing quote and trade data
- Key security reference data includes Security Type, Security Class, Security Status and Number of Market Participants
- COVERAGE FROM 9/1/2011
Trade Reporting and Compliance Engine is FINRA’s over-the-counter (OTC) corporate bond market real-time price dissemination service—bringing transparency to the corporate bond market.
- Access information on U.S. corporate bond market activity
- Access 30,000+ securities
- Coverage from 2002
Additional Data Included
- Bank Regulatory provides accounting data for Bank Holding Companies, Commercial Banks, and Savings and Loans Institutions.
- Blockholders contain standardized data for blockholders of 1,913 companies.
- CBOE (Chicago Board Options Exchange) Volatility Index is a key measure of market expectations of near-term volatility conveyed by S&P 500 stock index option prices.
- DMEF (Direct Marketing Educational Foundation) contains customer buying history for about 100,000 customers of nationally known catalog and non-profit database marketing businesses.
- Dow Jones is comprised of The Daily and Monthly Dow Jones Composite (DJA), Industrial (DJI), Transportation (DJT), Utility (DJU), the Dow 5 and 10.
- Fama French Portfolios are constructed from the intersections of two portfolios formed on size, as measured by market equity (ME), and three portfolios using, as a proxy for value, the ratio of book equity to market equity (BE/ME).
- Federal Reserve Bank Reports contain Foreign Exchanges and Interest Rates data from reports published for the Federal Reserve Board and Coincident State Indexes from the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia.
- IRI is the leader in providing point-of-sale information from more than 11,300 grocery stores, as well as some 7,500 drug stores.
- Penn World Tables provides national income accounts-type of variables converted to international prices. Philadelphia Stock Exchange’s United Currency
- Options Market offers a choice of the expiration date, strike price, etc, and any combination of 10 currencies available.
- SEC Disclosure of Order Execution provides electronic disclosures of basic information concerning their quality of executions on a stock-by-stock basis.
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New Data
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