Experience WRDS point-and-click web interface through our demos. Or look at a sample data output: fixed-width text, comma-delimited text, HTML. We also produce output in other formats such as tab-delimited text, SAS and dBase, with and without zip compression.
To see a glimpse of the data provided on WRDS, you can view a web query and sample data from one of the data vendor links provided below. The data that is produced in these demos is only an example of the type of data that can be extracted. Subscribers to WRDS and the included databases have full access to the data.
CRSP Stock data provides a unique research source characterized by its unmatched breadth, depth, and completeness.
Extract data from Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Statement of Cash Flows on over 50,000 active and inactive U.S. and Canadian publicly held companies.
View annual data for
Compustat North America
Compustat Global
Explore I/B/E/S on WRDS to access summary and individual analyst forecasts of company earnings, estimates and recommendations.
Enhance your research using I/B/E/S, I/B/E/S Global Aggregates, I/B/E/S Key Performance Indicators (KPI), and I/B/E/S Guidance.
A pan-European financial database which contains up to 10 years of detailed information on financial statements.
Access detailed information on major unlisted/delisted public companies, including banks and insurance firms from over 120 countries.
Use Cases include:
- Create a detailed financial analysis
- Illustrate financials with easy-to create graphs
- Search across corporate actions
- Create and analyze peer groups