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Aalto University School of Business, The (Aalto University -Helsinki School of Economics)
Aarhus University School of Business and Social Sciences
American University
American University of Beirut - Jafet Memorial Library
American University of Sharjah
Arizona State University - W. P. Carey School of Business
Auburn University - Ralph Brown Draughon Library
Audencia Business School
Augusta University
Austin Peay State University
Australian National University - College of Business and Economics
Babson College
Ball State University
Baruch College
Baylor University - Hankamer School of Business
Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University United International College
Belmont University
Bentley University
Bilkent University (İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent Universitesi)
Binghamton University - School of Management
BI Norwegian Business School
Bocconi University
Boise State University
Boston College (Trustees of Boston College)
Boston University - Questrom School of Business
Bowdoin College
Brandeis University - Brandeis International Business School
Brigham Young University - School of Accounting and Information Systems
Brock University - Goodman School of Business Niagra Region
Brooklyn College - CUNY
Brown University
Bryant University
Bucknell University
California Polytechnic State University - San Luis Obispo
California State Polytechnic University - Pomona
California State University - Chico
California State University - East Bay
California State University - Fullerton
California State University - Long Beach
California State University - Los Angeles
California State University - Monterey Bay
California State University - Northridge
California State University - Sacramento
California State University - San Bernardino
California State University - San Marcos - College of Business Administration
Cardiff University - Cardiff Business School
Carleton University
Carnegie Mellon University
Case Western Reserve University - Weatherhead School of Management
Central Michigan University
Central University of Finance and Economics
Central Washington University
Chapman University
Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business
China Europe International Business School (CEIBS)
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Chinese University of Hong Kong - Shenzhen
Chulalongkorn University
City St George’s, University of London
City University of Hong Kong
Claremont McKenna College
Clark University
Clemson University - Cooper Library
Cleveland State University
Coastal Carolina University
College of William & Mary
Colorado State University - Fort Collins - College of Business
Columbia University Libraries
Concordia University - Molson School of Business
Copenhagen Business School
Cornell University
Coventry University
Creighton University
Curtin University of Technology
Cyprus University of Technology
Dartmouth College - Tuck School of Business
Deakin University
De La Salle University
DePaul University
Drexel University
Duke University - Fuqua School Library (The Ford Library)
Duquesne University
Durham University - Durham Business School
East Carolina University - Thomas Harriot College of Arts & Sciences
East Texas A&M
Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
EDHEC Business School (Ecole Hautes Etudes Commerciales Nord )
Elon University
Emory University
Erasmus University
ESADE Business School (Fundació ESADE)
ESCP Europe
ESSEC Business School (Association Groupe Essec )
European School of Management and Technology
Fairfield University
Florida Atlantic University
Florida Gulf Coast University
Florida International University - COB Technology Center
Florida State University - College of Business
Fordham University
Frankfurt School of Finance & Management gGmbH
Freie Universität
Friedrich-Alexander - Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Fudan University - School of Management
Georg-August-Universitat Gottingen
George Mason University
Georgetown University - McDonough School of Business
George Washington University
Georgia Institute of Technology
Georgia Southern University - College of Business Administration
Georgia State University
Goethe University Frankfurt (Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)
Grand Valley State University
Halle Institute for Economic Research IWH
Hanken School of Economics
Hanyang University
Harvard University
HEC Montreal
HEC - Paris
Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf
Hofstra University
Hong Kong Baptist University
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Hunter College, CUNY
Idaho State University
IESE Business School (University of Navarra)
IESEG School of Management
IE University Library
Illinois Institute of Technology - Stuart School of Business
Illinois State University - College of Business
IMD International
Imperial College London
Indiana University
Indian Institute of Management - Ahmedabad
Indian Institute of Management - Bangalore
Indian Institute of Management - Calcutta
Indian Institute of Management - Indore
Indian Institute of Management - Lucknow
Indian School of Business
INSEAD Research and Learning Hub
Iowa State University - Debbie and Jerry Ivy College of Business
ITAM: Instituto Technologico Autonomo de Mexico - Raul Bailleres Library
Jacksonville State University
James Madison University
Johns Hopkins University - The Sheridan Libraries
Kansas State University
Kennesaw State University - Michael J. Coles College of Business
Kent State University
King's College London - King’s Business School
Koc University - College of Administrative Sciences & Economics
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Korea University Business School
KU Leuven
Lancaster University - Management School
LaSalle University - Connelly Library
La Trobe University
Lehigh University - Business Services
Lingnan University
London Business School
London School of Economics
Loughborough University
Louisiana State University - The E. J. Ourso College of Business
Louisiana Tech University
Loyola Marymount University
Loyola University Chicago - Quinlan School of Business
Loyola University Maryland - Loyola Notre Dame Library
Ludwig Maximilians Universistat (LMU)
Maastricht University
Macquarie University
Marquette University - Raynor Memorial Libraries
Marshall University
Massey University
McGill University - Libraries Serials Subscription Unit
McMaster University
Miami University of Ohio
Michigan State University
Middle Tennessee State University
Mississippi State University - Department of Finance and Economics
MIT - Sloan School of Management
Monash University
Monash University Malaysia
Montana State University
Montclair State University
Morgan State University
Nanjing University
Nankai University
Nanyang Technological University
National ChengChi University
National Sun Yat-sen University
National Taiwan University
National University of Singapore
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Nazarbayev University
Neoma Business School- EESC
Newcastle University
New Mexico State University
New York University - Stern School of Business
NHH Norwegian School of Economics (NHH Norges Handelshøyskole)
North Carolina A&T State University - School of Business and Economics
North Carolina State University - College of Management
Northeastern University - D'Amore-McKim School of Business
Northern Arizona University
Northern Illinois University - College of Business
Northern Kentucky University
Northwestern University - Kellogg School of Management
Nova Southeastern University - The Alvin Sherman Library
NTNU-Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Ohio State University
Ohio University
Oklahoma State University
Old Dominion University
Ontario Tech University
Oregon State University
Ozyegin University
Pace University - Lubin School of Business
Paris School of Business
Peking University - Guanghua
Peking University HSBC Business School
Pennsylvania State University - University Park (Main Campus)
Pepperdine University
Portland State University
Prairie View A&M University
Princeton University Library - Firestone Memorial Library
Providence College
Purdue University
Qatar University
Queen Mary University of London
Queens College CUNY
Queensland University of Technology
Queen's University Belfast
Queen's University - Smith School of Business
Radboud University
Renmin University of China
Rice University - Jones Graduate School of Management
RMIT University
Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) - Saunders College of Business (SCB)
Rowan University
Ruhr Universitat Bochum
Rutgers Business School – Newark and New Brunswick
Sabanci University (Universitesi)
Sacred Heart University
Saint Louis University - Pius Memorial Library
Saint Mary's College of California
Saint Mary's University, Canada
Salisbury University
Sam Houston State University
San Diego State University
San Francisco State University
San Jose State University
Santa Clara University
Seattle University
Seoul National University
Seton Hall University - The W. Paul Stillman School of Business
Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Exc. SAIF and CEIBS)
Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SAIF)
Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
Shanghai University of International Business and Economics
Shenzhen University
Simon Fraser University
Singapore Institute of Technology
Singapore Management University
SKEMA Business School
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Southern Methodist University -The Edwin L. Cox School of Business
Southern University of Science and Technology
Southwestern University of Finance and Economics
Stanford University - Graduate School of Business - Library
Stevens Institute of Technology
St. John's University
St. Joseph's University
Stockholm School of Economics
Suffolk University - Sawyer Business School
Sungkyunkwan University
SUNY Stony Brook
Swansea University
Syracuse University - Martin J. Whitman School of Management
Tarleton State University
Technische Universität Dortmund
Technische Universitat Munchen (TUM) - University Library - Team E-Media
Tel Aviv University - The Recantati Graduate School of Business Administration
Temple University Fox School of Business & Management
Test U.
Texas A&M International University - AR Sanchez, Jr. School of Business
Texas A&M University - College Station - Mays School of Business
Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi - College of Business
Texas A&M University - San Antonio
Texas Christian University - Neeley School of Business
Texas State University - Alkek Library
Texas Tech University - Rawls College of Business
Texas Woman's University
The New School
Tilburg University
Toronto Metropolitan University Library
Tsinghua University
Tulane University
UCL (University College London)
United Arab Emirates University
Universidad Carlos III
Universidade Catolica Portuguesa - Direção Financeira
Universidade Nova de Lisboa - Nova School of Business and Economics
Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
Universite du Luxembourg
Universite du Quebec a Montreal
Universite du Quebec en Outaouais
Universite Laval - Bibliotheque, Section Acquisitions
Université Paris Dauphine / PSL
Universities of Lille (Lille1, Lille2 and Lille3)
University at Albany
University at Buffalo
University of Adelaide
University of Akron
University of Alabama at Birmingham - Collat School of Business
University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa - Culverhouse College of Business
University of Alberta
University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam University Library
University of Arizona - Eller College of Management
University of Arkansas
University of Auckland - Library
University of Bath
University of Birmingham - Birmingham Business School
University of Bologna
University of Bonn
University of Bristol
University of British Columbia, The - Library
University of Cagliari
University of Calgary - Haskayne School of Business
University of California Berkeley
University of California - Davis
University of California - Irvine - Paul Merage School of Business
University of California - Los Angeles -Anderson School of Management Rosenfeld Library
University of California - Riverside
University of California - San Diego
University of Cambridge
University of Central Florida
University of Chicago - Booth School of Business
University of Cincinnati
University of Cologne
University of Colorado at Boulder
University of Colorado Denver
University of Connecticut
University of Cyprus
University of Dayton
University of Delaware
University of Denver
University of Edinburgh
University of Essex
University of Exeter
University of Florida
University of Georgia Terry College of Business
University of Glasgow
University of Gothenburg
University of Graz
University of Groningen
University of Guelph
University of Hamburg
University of Hawai'i - Manoa
University of Hohenheim
University of Hong Kong
University of Houston
University of Houston Clear Lake
University of Illinois at Chicago
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
University of International Business and Economics
University of Iowa
University of Kansas
University of Kentucky
University of Lausanne
University of Leeds
University of Lethbridge
University of Liverpool
University of Louisville
University of Lugano
University of Macau
University of Maine
University of Manchester
University of Manitoba
University of Mannheim
University of Maryland
University of Massachusetts - Amherst
University of Massachusetts - Boston
University of Massachusetts - Dartmouth
University of Massachusetts - Lowell
University of Melbourne
University of Memphis
University of Miami
University of Michigan
University of Michigan - Dearborn
University of Minnesota
University of Minnesota Duluth
University of Mississippi
University of Missouri - Columbia
University of Missouri - Kansas City
University of Missouri - St. Louis
University of Muenster
University of Nebraska - Lincoln
University of Nevada - Las Vegas
University of Nevada - Reno
University of New Hampshire
University of New Mexico
University of New Orleans
University of New South Wales
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
University of North Carolina at Wilmington
University of North Carolina - Kenan–Flagler Business School
University of North Dakota
University of North Florida
University of North Texas
University of Notre Dame
University of Nottingham Ningbo
University of Oklahoma - Michael F. Price School of Business
University of Oregon
University of Otago
University of Ottawa
University of Oxford - Said Business School
University of Paderborn
University of Pennsylvania
University of Pittsburgh
University of Puerto Rico at Rio Piedras
University of Queensland
University of Reading
University of Richmond
University of Rochester
University of San Diego
University of San Francisco
University of Saskatchewan
University of Science and Technology of China
University of Sheffield
University of South Alabama
University of Southampton
University of South Australia
University of South Carolina
University of South Dakota
University of Southern California Marshall School of Business
University of Southern Denmark
University of Southern Indiana
University of Southern Mississippi
University of South Florida
University of St. Gallen
University of Strathclyde -- Strathclyde Business School
University of St. Thomas
University of Surrey
University of Sussex
University of Sydney
University of Technology Sydney
University of Tennessee
University of Texas at Arlington
University of Texas at Austin
University of Texas at Dallas
University of Texas at El Paso
University of Texas at San Antonio
University of Texas at Tyler
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley - UTRGV University Library
University of the Pacific - Eberhardt School of Business
University of Toledo
University of Toronto
University of Tulsa
University of Utah - David Eccles School of Business
University of Virginia
University of Warwick
University of Washington - Michael G. Foster School of Business
University of Waterloo
University of Western Australia
University of Western Ontario
University of Windsor
University of Wisconsin - Madison
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
University of Wisconsin - Whitewater
University of Wyoming
University of York
University of Zurich
Utah State University
Utrecht University
Vanderbilt University
Victoria University Wellington
Villanova University
Virginia Commonwealth University
Virginia Tech
Vrije University
Wake Forest University
Washington and Lee University
Washington State University
Washington University in St. Louis
Wayne State University
Wenzhou-Kean University
Wesleyan University
West Chester University - Francis Harvey Green Library
Western Kentucky University
Western Michigan University
West Texas A&M University
West Virginia University
Wharton School
WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management/Library
Wichita State University
Wilfrid Laurier University
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
WU Vienna University of Economics and Business
Xiamen University
Xian Jiaotong Liverpool University
Yale University
Yonsei University
York University
Zayed University
Zhejiang University - School of Management
Abu Dhabi Investment Authority
Bank of Canada (Banque du Canada)
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Deutsche Bundesbank
European Central Bank
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
U. S. Congress - Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT)
U. S. Department of the Treasury - Office of Financial Research
U. S. Department of the Treasury - Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission
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