WRDS SAS Macro for creating Fama-French Size and Book-to-Market 2 by 3 portfolios using CRSP, Compustat, and CCM
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/* Program : SIZE_BM.SAS */
/* Summary : Assign stocks into 6 Size-BM portfolios */
/* Date : February 2008 */
/* Author : Denys Glushkov, WRDS */
/* Revision 1: Mar 2011 (Denys Glushkov) */
/* Revision 2: Jan 2023 (Eunji Oh) */
/* */
/* Details : Macro assigns the stocks into six Size-BM portfolios based on the */
/* methodology outlined on Ken French website at */
/* http://mba.tuck.dartmouth.edu/pages/faculty/ken.french/Data_Library */
/* /six_portfolios.html */
/* */
/* The size breakpoint for year t is the median NYSE market equity at the end of June*/
/* of year t. BE/ME for June of year t is the book equity for the last fiscal year */
/* end in t-1 divided by ME for December of t-1. The BE/ME breakpoints are the 30th */
/* and 70th NYSE percentiles. */
/* */
/* Parameters : - BDATE: Sample Start Date */
/* - EDATE: Sample End Date */
/* - Link : CCM linktable b/w CRSP Permno and Compustat GVKEY. */
/* Link table must contain 'LPERMNO' for permno, 'GVKEY', */
/* 'LinkDt' for link start date,'LinkEndDt' for link end date */
/* and */
/* */
/* To run the program, a user should have access to CRSP monthly stock, */
/* Compustat Annual, and CRSP/Compustat Merged database */
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%MACRO SIZE_BM (bdate=, edate=, link=);
Step 1. Extract CRSP Data for NYSE and AMEX Common Stocks
Merge historical codes with CRSP Monthly Stock File
Restriction on Share Code: common shares only
%let filtr = (shrcd in (10,11));
* Selected variables from the CRSP Monthly Stock File;
%let fvars = prc ret shrout;
* Selected variables from the CRSP Monthly Event File;
%let evars = exchcd shrcd dlret;
* Modify beginning and ending dates;
%let begdate=intck('year',&bdate,-1);
/* Invoke CRSPMERGE WRDS Research Macro. Data Output: CRSP_M */
data msex2;
set crsp_m;
by permno date;
* Create size variable;
size_lag=lag(size); *Lag Size for weights;
ldate = lag(date);
if first.permno then size_lag = size / (1+ret);
* Option for Delisting Returns;
ret = sum(ret,dlret);
* Comment previous line not to adjust for delisting events;
if size > 0;
drop prc shrout ldate;
Step 2. Assign Stocks to NYSE Size-Based groups
proc sort data=msex2 (keep=date size exchcd) out=msex3;
where month(date)=6 and exchcd=1;
by date;
proc means data=msex3 noprint;
var size;
by date;
output out=nyse (drop=_freq_ _type_) median=/autoname;
proc sql;
create table size_assign
as select a.permno, a.date, a.size,
case when size <= size_median then 'Small' else 'Big'
end as size_port
from msex2 (keep=permno date size where = (month(date)=6)) as a
left join nyse as b
on a.date= b.date;
2. Create Book Equity(BE) measure
from Compustat (definition from Daniel and Titman (JF, 2006)
"Market Reactions to Tangible and Intangible Information"
data comp_extract;
set comp.funda
(where=(fyr > 0 and at > 0 and consol='C' and
indfmt='INDL' and datafmt='STD' and popsrc='D'));
if missing(SEQ)=0 then she=SEQ;else
if missing(CEQ)=0 and missing(PSTK)=0 then she=CEQ+PSTK;else
if missing(AT)=0 and missing(LT)=0 and missing(MIB)=0 then she=AT-(LT+MIB);
else she=.;
if missing(PSTKRV)=0 then BE0=she-PSTKRV;else
if missing(PSTKL)=0 then BE0=she-PSTKL; else
if missing(PSTK)=0 then BE0=she-PSTK; else BE0=.;
* Converts fiscal year into calendar year data;
if (1 <= fyr <= 5) then date_fyend=intnx('month',mdy(fyr,1,fyear+1),0,'end');
else if (6 <= fyr <= 12) then date_fyend=intnx('month',mdy(fyr,1,fyear),0,'end');
format date_fyend date9.;
* Accounting data since calendar year 't-1';
if (year(date_fyend) >= year(&bdate) - 1)
and (year(date_fyend) <= year(&edate) + 1);
keep gvkey calyear fyr BE0 date_fyend indfmt consol datafmt popsrc datadate TXDITC;
proc sql;
create table comp_extract
as select a.gvkey, a.calyear, a.fyr, a.date_fyend,
case when missing(TXDITC)=0 and missing(PRBA)=0 then BE0+TXDITC-PRBA else BE0
end as BE
from comp_extract a left join
comp.aco_pnfnda (keep=gvkey indfmt consol datafmt popsrc datadate prba) b
on a.gvkey=b.gvkey and a.indfmt=b.indfmt and
a.consol=b.consol and a.datafmt=b.datafmt and
a.popsrc=b.popsrc and a.datadate=b.datadate;
Step 3. Create Book to Market (BM) ratios at December
proc sql;
create table BM0 (where=(BM>0))
as select a.gvkey, a.calyear, c.permno, c.exchcd, c.date,
a.be/(abs(c.prc)*c.shrout/1000) as BM
from comp_extract as a,
&link as b,
crsp_m (where=( month(date)=12)) as c
where a.gvkey=b.gvkey and
((b.linkdt <= c.date <= b.linkenddt) or
(b.linkdt<=c.date and b.linkenddt=.E) or
(c.date <= b.linkenddt and b.linkdt=.B)) and b.lpermno=c.permno
and a.calyear = year(c.date) and (abs(c.prc)*c.shrout)>0;
4. Keep only those cases with valid stock market in June
proc sql;
create table BM
as select a.gvkey, a.permno, a.bm, a.calyear, a.date as decdate,
a.exchcd, b.date, b.size, b.size_port
from BM0 as a, size_assign as b
where a.permno=b.permno
and intck('month',a.date,b.date)=6 and b.size>0;
5. Assign stocks to NYSE BM-based groups
proc sort data=BM out=nyse1 (keep=permno bm calyear decdate);
where exchcd=1;
by decdate;
proc univariate data=nyse1 noprint;
var bm;
by decdate;
output out=nyse2 pctlpts = 30 70 pctlpre=per;
*Merge back with master file that contains all securities
from NYSE, Nasdaq and AMEX;
proc sql;
create table bm1
as select a.permno, a.gvkey, a.bm, a.size, a.size_port, a.date, a.decdate,
case when bm <= per30 then 'Low'
when per30 < bm <= per70 then 'Medium'
else 'High'
end as bm_port
from BM as a, nyse2 as b
where a.decdate=b.decdate;
/* The 'date' variable refers to June, whereas */
/* 'decdate' variable refers to December of the previous year */
proc sort data=bm1; by permno descending date;run;
data size_bm_port; set bm1;
by permno descending date;
if first.permno then leaddate=intnx('month',date,-12,'end');
format date leaddate decdate date9.;
rename date=size_date decdate=bm_date;
label date='Valid date for firm size';
label decdate='Valid date for Book-to-Market';
proc sort data=size_bm_port; by permno size_date;run;
proc sql; drop table nyse1, nyse2, nyse, size_assign,
msex2, msex3, bm, bm0, bm1, comp_extract;
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