WRDS Macro: Trace

Find a last daily TRACE record for each CUSIP


/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Usage : Find a last daily TRACE record for each CUSIP                    */
/*                                                                          */
/* Notes:                                                                   */
/*                                                                          */
/*   1. This program takes advantage of the fact that the TRACE data set is */
/*      already sorted by CUSIP_ID TRD_EXCTN_DT TRD_EXCTN_TM (i.e. CUSIP,   */
/*      trade execution date and time).  As a result, the last physical     */
/*      trace record for a given TRD_EXCTN_DT is also chronologically the   */
/*      last trade.                                                         */
/*                                                                          */
/*   2. You will need to allow only one of the %LET statements below be     */
/*      operational, depending on your definition of "closing price",       */
/*      "closing trade", "last price", etc.                                 */
/*                                                                          */
/*      %let timelimit=1;                                                   */
/*       or                                                                 */
/*      %let timelimit=%str(trdexctn_tm<='18:29:59't);                      */
/*       or                                                                 */
/*      %let timelimit=%str(trd_exctn_tm between '08:00't and '17:15:59't)  */
/*                                                                          */
/*      The first %LET statement above tells the program to accept trades   */
/*      executed anytime during the day.  The second says to accept only    */
/*      those that are reported during the opearting hours of the TRACE     */
/*      system (search for "system hours" in the TRACE users guide in the   */
/*      manual page of the TRACE web query.                                 */
/*                                                                          */
/*      You may want to substitute your own time limits.  For example, the  */
/*      normal market session hours are 8:00AM to 5:15PM (On Google search  */
/*      for "trace" "regular market session".  So if you want price at the  */
/*      close of the market you would revise the TIMELIMIT macrovariable    */
/*      accordingly, as per the third %LET statement.                       */
/*                                                                          */
/*   3. Note the WHERE ALSO statements enerate logical AND conditions,      */
/*      instead of requiring the construction of  a single WHERE statement  */
/*      with numerous ANDs. The WHERE ALSO statement even works correctly   */
/*      when it is the first, or only WHERE statement.                      */
/*                                                                          */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */

options nocenter nodate nonumber ls=max ps=max msglevel=i;

/* ************************************************************************ */
/* In the %LET statements below,                                            */
/*     use "%*" to make a statement into a comment                          */
/*     and "%" to make the statement operational                            */
/* ************************************************************************ */

%*let timelimit=1;                               %** All day **;
%let timelimit=%str(trd_exctn_tm<='18:29:59't);  %** Up to "trace system" closing **;
%*let timelimit=%str(trd_exctn_tm between '08:00't and '17:15:59't)  %** Up to "market session" closing **;

/* ************************************************************************ */
/* Add and remove the WHERE ALSO statements as needed, but leave the        */
/*    "WHERE ALSO &timelimit" in place.  Instead just modify the %LET       */
/*    statements above. Note that even the first WHERE statement can be     */
/*    a WHERE ALSO.                                                         */
/* ************************************************************************ */

data last_trace ;
  set trace.trace;
  where also company_symbol in ("DELL","XOM");                    ** DELL, Exxon Mobil only **;
  where also trd_exctn_dt between '01jan2006'd and '31dec2006'd;  ** 2006 trades only **;
  where also &timelimit;                                          ** Timelimit, as appropriate **;

  by cusip_id trd_exctn_dt trd_exctn_tm;            ** Expects the incoming data to be sorted **;
  if last.trd_exctn_dt;                             ** Keeps only the last record-of-the-day **;

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