- Macro

This Program merges CRSP and Compusat Xpressfeed databases by CUSIP. To be able to run the program, a user should have access to Compustat Annual Xpressfeed datasets and CRSP monthly database


 * Program :                                            *
 * Date Created : July 2008                                                          *
 * Location : '/wrds/crsp/samples/CCM_XPF/'                                          *     
 * Usage :                                                                           *
 *   This Program merges CRSP and Compusat Xpressfeed databases by CUSIP.            *
 *   To be able to run the program, a user should have access to Compustat           *
 *   Annual Xpressfeed datasets and CRSP monthly database                            *
Remote Sign-on to WRDS Server
%let wrds = 4016;
options comamid=TCP remote=wrds;
signon username=_prompt_;
libname mylocal 'C:\CRSP\Data'; *define a local directory to store output;
title 'Merge Compustat and CRSP by cusip';
options source;
* Define data libraries;
libname comp1 '/wrds/comp/sasdata/na';
libname crsp '/wrds/crsp/sasdata/sm';
* STEP ONE: Create Linking Table with 8-digit CUSIP;
* Create 8-digit CUSIP using "NAMES" file;
data compcusip (keep = gvkey cusip cusip8 tic);
set comp1.names;
where tic in ("DELL" "IBM" "MSFT" "F" "DIS");
cusip8 = substr (cusip,1,8);
proc print data=compcusip noobs label;
var gvkey tic cusip cusip8;
*Extract CRSP Cusip from "STOCKNAMES" file;
proc sort data=crsp.stocknames (keep=cusip permco permno)out=crspcusip nodupkey;
by cusip;run;
* Merge Compusat cusip with CRSP cusip and create table "total";
proc sql;
create table total as select
compcusip.*,  crspcusip.*
from compcusip, crspcusip
where compcusip.cusip8 = crspcusip.cusip;
proc print noobs data = total;
var gvkey tic cusip8 permno;
* STEP TWO: Extract Compusat  data;
* Selected GVKEYS-- use quotes to be consistent with character variables;
%let glist = '006066' '012141'  '014489';  
* Date range-- applied to FYEAR (Fiscal Year);
%let fyear1= 1997; 
%let fyear2= 2006;
*  Selected data items (GVKEY, DATADATE, FYEAR and FYR are automatialy included);
%let vars=  gvkey fyr fyear datadate SALE AT INDFMT DATAFMT POPSRC CONSOL;
* Make extract from Compustat Annual Funda file;
data compx2;
   set comp1.funda (keep= &vars);
   where gvkey in (&glist) and fyear between &fyear1 and &fyear2;
   if indfmt='INDL' and datafmt='STD' and popsrc='D' and consol='C';
   * create begin and end dates for fiscal year;
   format endfyr begfyr date9.;
   endfyr= datadate;
   begfyr= intnx('month',endfyr,-11,'beg');
   *intnx(interval, from, n, 'aligment');
   sxa= sale/at;  * compute sales over assets ratio;
   keep gvkey begfyr endfyr sxa fyr fyear;* keep only relevant variables;
proc sort; by gvkey endfyr; run;
proc print data=&syslast(obs=100);
  by gvkey;
  id fyear;
  var fyear begfyr endfyr sxa;
* STEP TWO: Link GVKEYS to CRSP Identifiers;
* Use CCMXPF_LINKTABLE table to obtain CRSP identifiers for our subset of companies/dates;
*Merge Compusat set with Linking table;
proc sql;
create table mydata
as select *
from compx2 as a, total as b
where a.gvkey = b.gvkey;
proc print data=mydata (obs=30);
var gvkey permno permco endfyr sxa;
* STEP THREE: Add CRSP Monthly price data;                                           *
* Option 1: Simple match at the end of the fiscal year;
proc sql;
create table mydata2
as select *
from mydata as a, crsp.msf as b
where a.permno = b.permno and
    month(a.endfyr) = month( and
    year(a.endfyr) = year(;
proc print data=mydata2 (obs=30);
var gvkey permno endfyr date sxa ret;
* Option 2: Alternative way of matching CRSP data;
* Match accounting data with fiscal yearends in month 't',
  with CRSP return data from month 't+3' to month 't+14' (12 months);
/*  proc sql;
    create table mydata3 as select *
    from mydata as a, crsp.msf as b
    where a.permno = b.permno and
    intck('month',a.endfyr, 3 and 14;
    proc print data=mydata3 (obs=30);
        var gvkey permno endfyr date btm ret;
proc download data=mydata2 out=mylocal.ccmfundaex; *download output dataset to local location;
proc print data=mylocal.ccmfundaex;
/* ********************************************************************************* */
/* *************  Material Copyright Wharton Research Data Services  *************** */
/* ****************************** All Rights Reserved ****************************** */
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