Retrieves trade or quote data from TAQ for user-specified SYMBOLS, each with a unique date and time range.
/** **************************************************************************/
/** Program : TAQ_EVENT_WINDOWS **/
/** Author : Mark Keintz **/
/** Version : 1.0 **/
/** Date Created : 10/26/2008 **/
/** Last Modified : 10/26/2008 **/
/** **/
/** Description : Retrieves trade or quote data from TAQ for **/
/** user-specified SYMBOLS, each with a unique **/
/** date and time range. **/
/** **/
/** Usage: Two stages: **/
/** Stage 1 : Prepare a dataset with the following variables: **/
/** For example: **/
/** **/
/** data mysample; **/
/** length symbol $10. ; **/
/** informat begdate enddate yymmdd8. ; **/
/** informat begtime endtime time8.0 ; **/
/** input symbol begdate begtime enddate endtime; **/
/** datalines; **/
/** AZTC 19990301 10:00:00 19990307 15:00:00 **/
/** UBID 19990505 10:30:00 19990505 14:30:00 **/
/** run; **/
/** **/
/** Stage 2 : Call the TAQ_EVENT_WINDOWS1 macro as here: **/
/** **/
/** %taq_event_windows1(type=CQ,keydataset=mysample **/
/** ,keepvars=,sortord=SDT **/
/** ,outdata=want,outtype=dataset,verbosity=some); **/
/** **/
/** (See the beginning of the TAQ_EVENT_windows1 macro for an **/
/** explanation of the parameters). **/
/** **/
/** **/
%macro taq_event_windows1(type=CQ,keydataset=mysample,keepvars=,sortord=SDT
/DES="Trades or Quotes for selected symbols, with distinct DATE/TIME ranges";
%local /* These macrovars have local scope only: */
TYPE /* Either CQ (quotes) or CT (trades). CQ is default. */
KEYDATASET /* Dataset with SYMBOLS + DATE/TIME ranges (default MYSAMPLE) */
KEEPVARS /* List of user-requested vars (if blank, keep all vars) */
SORTORD /* Output order, either SDT (SYMBOL/DATE/TIME) or DST */
OUTDATA /* Name of dataset or dataview to output */
OUTTYPE /* Type of output, either DATASET or DATAVIEW */
VERBOSITY /* ALL (All sas notes/mprint/msglevel=I), or SOME or NONE */
/*** STEP 1: Set up parameters and options ***/
%let type=%upcase(&type);
%let sortord=%upcase(&sortord);
%let outtype=%upcase(&outtype);
%let verbosity=%upcase(&verbosity);
%let keeplist1 = &keepvars;
%* ** If KEEPLIST1 is not blank or null, prepend a "keep=" **;
%* ** Also append SYMBOL DATE TIME, needed for prelim steps **;
%if %length(&keeplist1) ^=0 %then
%let keeplist1=KEEP%str(=)&keeplist1 SYMBOL DATE TIME;
%* ** Save prior NOTES, MPRINT, and MSGLEVEL options, for later resetting **;
%local prior_options;
%let prior_options=%sysfunc(getoption(NOTES)) %sysfunc(getoption(MPRINT))
%* ** if VERBOSITY is SOME or NONE, turn off notes, etc. for steps 2 & 3 **;
%if %index(SOME NONE,&verbosity) ^= 0 %then
%str(options nonotes nomprint msglevel=N;);
%str(options notes mprint msglevel=I;);
/**** STEP 2: Determine list of TAQ datasets needed ****/
%* ** 2a: Get minimum and maximum YYYYMMDD in KEYDATASET ;
proc sql noprint;
select min(begdate) format=yymmddn8. ,max(enddate) format=yymmddn8.
into : min_yyyymmdd ,: max_yyyymmdd
from &keydataset;
%* ** 2b: Convert min/max YYYYMMDD into begin/end taq dataset names **;
%local BEG_DSN END_DSN ;
%let beg_dsn=&type._&min_yyyymmdd; %* e.g. 20081003 ==> CQ_20081003 **;
%let end_dsn=&type._&max_yyyymmdd;
%* ** 2c: Build list of all datasets from BEG_DSN through END_DSN **;
%local DSLIST ;
proc sql noprint;
select distinct cats('TAQ.',trim(memname)) into :dslist
separated by ' '
from sashelp.vtable where
libname="TAQ" and
memname between "&beg_dsn" and "&end_dsn"
%* ** 2d: Get count of candidate dataset names **;
%local N_DS ;
%let n_ds=&sqlobs;
%if &n_ds=0 %then %do;
%put No &type TAQ datasets available for &min_yyyymmdd to &max_yyyymmdd ;
/*** STEP 3: For each TAQ dataset (I=1 to N_DS), define a view ***/
proc sql noprint;
%do I=1 %to &n_ds;
%local QSYMLIST&I /* List of quoted symbols for the Ith dataset */
NSYM&I /* N SYMBOLS from Ith TAQ dataset */
WHENLIST&I /* "when" list (for SELECT statement) for Ith */ ;
%* ** Get the Ith date **;
%let YYYYMMDD = %scan(&dslist,&i,%str( )); %* Get Ith dsn **;
%let YYYYMMDD = %scan(&yyyymmdd,2,_); %* Part after the underscore **;
%let DATE = %sysfunc(inputn(&YYYYMMDD,yymmdd8.),date9.);
select distinct quote(trim(symbol)) into : qsymlist&i
separated by ' '
from &keydataset
where "&date"d between begdate and enddate;
%let NSYM&I = &sqlobs;
%* ** Make list of "when" lines like
"when ('IBM') do; if '09:30:01't<=time<='13:00:00't then output; end;" ;
select distinct cats("when (",quote(trim(symbol)),") do; if (","'"
,"'t) then output; end;")
into :whenlist&i
separated by ' '
from &keydataset
where "&date"d between begdate and enddate;
%local VLIST /* List of preliminary daily data views to use */ ;
%let vlist=;
%do I=1 %to &n_ds;
%if &&nsym&i ^= 0 %then %do;
data vtemp&i / view=vtemp&i;
set %scan(&dslist,&I,%str( )) (&keeplist1) ;
where symbol in (&&qsymlist&i);
select (symbol);
%let vlist=&vlist vtemp&i ;
/** if VERBOSITY is SOME or ALL, turn on notes, etc. for the final step **/
%if %index(SOME ALL,&verbosity) ^= 0 %then
%str(options notes mprint msglevel=I;);
%str(options nonotes nomprint msglevel=N;);
/** STEP 4: Read all the data views into final data output **/
data &outdata %if &outtype=DATAVIEW %then %str(/ view=&outdata); ;
set &vlist %if &sortord=DST %then %str(open=defer) ; ;
/** See TAQ_BASIC for rationale on OPEN=DEFER **/
%if &sortord=SDT %then
%if %length(&keepvars) ^= 0 %then
%str(keep &keepvars;) ;
%macrodone: options &prior_options ;
%mend taq_event_windows1 ;
/** STAGE 1: Make a "driver" file for the TAQ_EVENT_WINDOW macro **/
data mysample;
length symbol $10.;
informat begdate enddate date9. begtime endtime time8.0;
format begdate enddate date9. begtime endtime tod8.0 ;
input symbol begdate enddate begtime endtime;
DELL 01OCT2009 08OCT2009 09:30:00 14:00:00
IBM 07OCT2009 14OCT2009 10:30:00 15:00:00
MSFT 13OCT2009 20OCT2009 11:30:00 16:00:00
/** STAGE 2: Run the TAQ_EVENT_WINDOW macro **/
%taq_event_windows1(verbosity=none,type=ct,keepvars=symbol date price size
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/* ************* Material Copyright Wharton Research Data Services *************** */
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