Wharton Research Data Services, the leading platform for data & analytics in finance, accounting, and economics, also supports healthcare research Health Economists and Health Services Researchers can take advantage of this award-winning platform used by 75,000+ researchers in 30+ countries, all backed by the credibility and leadership of the Wharton School.

Healthcare-specific databases
- American Hospital Association (AHA): Annual Survey, IT Survey, Cost Reports (HCRIS)
The complete list of hospitals in the US goes back over 40 years and covers over 1,000 metrics about each one - Healthbase from Clarivate
Details about 2 million+ physicians, nurses, and other US healthcare providers and their affiliations – the facilities and health systems at which they practice. Excellent coverage of NPIs allows linking to other sources - AHRQ
- MEPS (Medical Expenditure Panel Survey) tracks insurance coverage and the use and cost of health services.
- HCUP (Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project) covers procedures and diagnoses during hospital inpatient stays and emergency department visits.

Healthcare Company Data on WRDS
Many hospitals, insurance companies, pharmaceuticals, and other healthcare-related companies are public, with a variety of information available.
- Company Financials & Key Measures
(hospital admissions, number of beds, insurance enrollment & income from premiums…)
S&P Compustat - Analyst Estimates of Earnings and Key Measures
(insurance premiums, insurance network size, revenue…)
Thomson / Refinitiv Ibes - News & Events
(regulatory approvals, clinical trials, M&A discussions…)
Raven Pack, Capital IQ Key Developments - Stock Prices
CRSP, S&P Compustat, Thomson / Refinitiv Datastream, Factset Fundamentals - Mergers & Acquisitions
Thomson / Refnitiv SDC, Capital IQ Transactions
WRDS Analytics and Tools
WRDS offers a variety of powerful analytics tools to support you in your healthcare research. Get more out of your data with less effort.
Customizable and Scalable Data Options
Access WRDS data through the web or use Python, Stata, Matlab, R, or SAS. WRDS Cloud enables you to dig deep into big data analytics.
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