Research Data Overview of WRDS

This quick overview of the research data on WRDS begins by describing usage of the most popular databases.

Databases offered on WRDS are introduced, categorized by topic:

  • Pricing data, including CRSP, Compustat, TAQ, OptionMetrics, and TRACE
  • Fundamental data, including Compustat, FactSet, Capital IQ and WorldScope
  • Earnings and estimates data, including I/B/E/S and Zacks
  • Institutional ownership data, including Thomson Reuters, CRSP Mutual Funds, WRDS-SEC Data, and AuditAnalytics
  • Other types of data, including ExecuComp, BoardEx, RavenPack and Capital IQ Key Developments

The video concludes by highlighting a suite of tools that can be used to link databases for conducting empirical research.