RoyaltyStat—access curated royalty rates data

Companies that effectively manage, protect, and leverage their intellectual property often finish far ahead of their competitors in creating new revenue streams and enhancing returns to shareholders.


  • 17,500+ royalty rates from license agreements
  • 30+ years
  • 19.5 million SEC exhibits and 64,000 license agreements
  • 63,000+ unique redacted and unredacted license agreements

Use Cases

  • Brands, customer relationships, intellectual property, and technology have significant impacts on a company's financial performance and competitiveness. These assets often make up a substantial portion of a company's market value and can be a key source of sustainable advantage. Accurately valuing intangibles requires RoyaltyStat data.
  • Analyze statistical data ranges of selected royalty rates, make contractual terms adjustments, and perform regression analyses to benchmark inter-group transactions.

View Independent Valuation driven by

  • Mergers & acquisitions
  • Negotiations of licenses
  • Divestitures, spin-offs
  • Bankruptcies and restructurings
  • Litigation
  • Collateral for financing
  • Transfer pricing
  • Financial reporting, tax planning and other compliance needs

Research using RoyaltyStat data

Bargaining Power in the Market for Intellectual Property: Evidence from Licensing Contract Terms Gaurav Kankanhalli (University of Pittsburgh), Alan Kwan (The University of Hong Kong)

Technology Spillover and Corporate Technology DisclosuresMichael Ettredge (University of Kansas), Feng Guo (Iowa State University), Ling Lei Lisic (Virginia Tech), Kevin Tsengn (National Taiwan University)

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