Search SEC Using Jupyter Notebook

Learn to search for text in WRDS SEC using a Jupyter Notebook

Sample Jupyter Notebook

A Jupyter Notebook is an open-source web-based computing environment that enables the combination of live code, equations, explanatory text, and visualizations. Jupyter at WRDS is available at WRDS JupyterHub.

This Notebook demonstrates how to use regex to perform a text search in SEC Filings. Run the cells to perform an exact phrase search across the WRDS SEC database. Learn how to filter by company and form type. You can also expand your search to multiple companies. The sample search activity should take less than ten minutes.

Open this sample Notebook and begin immediately by clicking the Open in JupyterLab tab. Log in using your WRDS credentials. If Jupyter asks which kernel, select the Classroom kernel.

Jupyter Notebook: ClassroomTools/search-sec-using-jupyter-notebook.ipynb Download

If you would like to save this work, or customize this Notebook further in your home directory for future use, use the following directions:

  1. Download the Notebook by clicking the Download tab.
  2. Access WRDS JupyterHub at WRDS JupyterHub.
  3. Log in to your account using your WRDS credentials.
  4. Click the Upload Files button (an underlined arrow icon) to upload this Notebook and save it in your own directory.

Note: at this time, Jupyter at WRDS is only available for individual WRDS accounts--and not yet available for Class accounts.

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