WRDS Social Impact Products
For environmental, social, and governance (ESG) ratings, various agencies construct their scores through compiling and analyzing multiple sources, including firm disclosures, reports from third parties (such as NGOs), articles from the media, and their in-house research conducted through interviews and questionnaires with company employees or executives. For most data vendors, ESG ratings include an overall ESG score and scores for each of the three subcomponents (E, S, and G).
Wharton Research Data Service has a long history of hosting ESG research for the academic community. Currently, WRDS selects a set of popular ESG databases for researchers interested in conducting Big Data analysis across a comprehensive collection of databases. The databases on the growing list include KLD (now called MSCI ESG STATS, with 3,000+ US companies), Thomson Reuters ASSET4 ESG (now Refinitiv ESG, with 7,000+ global companies), Sustainalytics Company Ratings (with 11,000+ global companies), Dow Jones Sustainability Index (RobecoSAM), S&P ESG Trucost (including data from Carbon Disclosure Project), and RepRisk (Incident-Based Reputational Index), etc.

Environmental, social, governance (ESG) issues—environmental degradation, child labor, corruption, etc.—can translate into reputational, computationa…

ESG Scores from Refinitiv are designed to transparently and objectively measure a company’s relative ESG performance, commitment and effectiveness ac…

Sustainalytics is an independent ESG and corporate governance research, ratings and analysis firm supporting investors around the world with more

Environmental, social, governance (ESG) issues—environmental degradation, child labor, corruption, etc.—can translate into reputational, coms

Unlike ESG datasets that rely simply on publicly available information, S&P Global ESG Scores are uniquely informed by a combination of verified coms

S&P Global Trucost has been assessing risks relating to climate change, natural resource constraints, and broader environmental, social, and more

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)‘s National Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) data are compiled from several EPA program sour…