Research Support Director

Rabih’s research interests are institutional investors, hedge funds, quantitative investment, financial reporting, and corporate governance. His work is published in specialized finance journals and featured in mainstream newspapers including the Wall Street Journal and New York Times. His papers were presented in several national and international conferences such as American Finance Association, Western Finance Association, Financial Management Association, and European Finance Association meetings. Before WRDS, Rabih was a researcher at Barclays Global Investors (now BlackRock), and he taught corporate finance at the University of Texas at Dallas. Rabih conducts specialized empirical finance tutorials on research and data issues for academics and professionals in many forums in the U.S. and abroad. Rabih presented on effective methods to link databases and is currently developing a WRDS research platform for SEC filings. Rabih received his PhD in Finance from the University of Texas at Dallas, and his MBA and BA in Economics, with distinction, from the American University of Beirut. Rabih’s scholarly research papers can be found on SSRN.