As research methodologies and publishing shift to focus on impact, WRDS tools, services and applications enable researchers to get the most out of their work.
Research with WRDS makes an impact
Common Ownership and Industry Profitability: A Crossindustry View, Haifeng Wang (The Vanguard Group, Inc.), Jan-Carl Plagge (The Vanguard Group, Inc.), James Rowley (The Vanguard Group, Inc.), Roger A Aliaga-Diaz (The Vanguard Group, Inc.)
All the President’s Friends: Political Access and Firm Value, Jeffrey Brown and Jiekun Huang (University of Illinois)
Listen to the SiriusXM Wharton Business channel interview with co-authors >
Do short sellers exploit news of related firms?, Rui Dai (University of Pennsylvania), Lilian Ng (York University), and Nataliya Zaiats (Suffolk University)
Tax Evasion Across Industries: Soft Credit Evidence from Greece, Nikolaos Artavanis (University of Massachusetts at Amherst), Adair Morse (University of California, Berkeley), Margarita Tsoutsoura (University of Chicago)
The team’s research was presented in Greece in September 2012 and received extensive media coverage. The Greek government has examined the results and is already making policy changes based on this research.
An Examination of Factors Affecting Financial Statement Placement Order, Charles W. Mulford (Georgia Institute of Technology), Biro Conde (Price Waterhouse Coopers Advisory)
Universal fluctuations in growth dynamics of economic systems, Nathan C. Frey (Boston University), Sakib Matin (Boston University), H. Eugene Stanley (Boston University), and Michael Salinger (Boston University)
Further Mining the Predictability of Moving Averages: Evidence from the US Stock Market, Chaoqun Ma (Hunan University), Danyan Wen (Hunan University), Gang-Jin Wang (Hunan University), Yong Jiang (Hunan University)
Social Capital and Innovation: Evidence from Connected Holdings, Hongxun Ruan (University of Pennsylvania)
Can Credit Rating Agencies See Through Transitory Shocks to Credit Risk?, Oleg Gredil (Tulane University), Nishad Kapadia (Tulane University), Junghoon Lee (Tulane University)
The effect of independent directors’ characteristics on firm performance: Tenure and multiple directorships, Nuria Reguera-Alvarado (University of Seville), Francisco Bravo (University of Seville)
Do Foreign Investors Improve Market Efficiency?, Marcin Kacperczyk (Imperial College London), Savitar Sundaresan (Imperial College London), Tianyu Wang (Imperial College London)
Fundraising in the Hedge Fund Industry, Olga A. Obizhaeva (London School of Economics)
Blood and Oil in the Orient, Redux, Research Note, Shimshon Bichler (Jerusalem), Jonathan Nitzan (York University)
Essays in Financial Economics, Hisam Sabouni (Claremont Graduate University)
Complementarity of Passive and Active Investment on Stock Price Efficiency, Youngmin Choi (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Shadow Banking and Systemic Bailout Exposure, Yizhi Xu (University of California, Los Angeles)
Hear Me Write: Does CEO Narcissism Affect Disclosure?, Gilberto Marquez-Illescas (University of Rhode Island), Allan A. Zebedee (Clarkson University; Hunan University), Linying Zhou (California State University, San Marcos)
Vertical Acquisitions, Integration and the Boundaries of the Firm, Laurent Frésard (University of Lugano, Swiss Finance Institute, and University of Maryland), Gerard Hoberg (University of Southern
California), Gordon Phillips (Dartmouth University and National Bureau of Economic Research
Measuring Effects from CEO Turnovers and Incentive-Based Compensation on Relative Corporate Performance, Birger M. Dingsør; Supervisor: Iver Bragelien (Norwegian School of Economics)
Divergent Market Responses to Human Capital Reorganizations, E. James Cowan (Fairleigh Dickinson University), Karen C Denning (Fairleigh Dickinson University), Anne Anderson (Lehigh University), Xiaohui Yang (Fairleigh Dickinson University)
Institutional Trading Around M&A Announcements, Eliezer Fich (Drexel University), Viktoriya Lantushenko (St. Joseph’s University), Clemens Sialm (University of Texas at Austin and NBER)
Debt Covenant Violations, Credit Default Swap Pricing, and Borrowing Firms’ Accounting Conservatism, Changling Chen (University of Waterloo), Jeong-bon Kim (City University of Hong Kong), Chunmei Zhu (University of Waterloo)
Capital market consequences of cultural influences on earnings: The case of cross-listed firms in the U.S. stock market, Singgih Wijayana (Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia), Sidney J.Gray (University of Sydney, Australia)
Motivating Capital Investment by Using the Audit Process to Increase Financial Transparency, J. Reid Cummings (University of South Alabama), Gabriel G. Ramirez (Kennesaw State University), Divesh S. Sharma (Kennesaw State University), Kyre D. Lahtinen (University of South Alabama)
Informed Trading of Mutual Funds: Evidence from Fund‐Underwriter Relationships, Hyoseok (David) Hwang (Rutgers University)
Prepare and Perform in a Dangerous World – Two Studies of Organizational Performance in Hazardous Contexts, Karl E. Spinnenweber (Temple University)
Our Fates Entwined: A Social and Psychological Perspective of Control in Corporate Governance, Guy Shani (University of Michigan)
Corporate charitable foundations, executive entrenchment, and shareholder distributions, Nicolas J. Duquette (University of Southern California), Eric C. Ohrn (Grinnell College)
Are US firms and markets becoming more short-term oriented? Evidence of shifting firm and investor time horizons, 1980-2013, Rachelle C. Sampson (University of Maryland), Yuan Shi (University of Maryland)
An Input-Based Measure of Financial Statement Comparability, Rani Hoitash (Bentley University), Udi Hoitash (Northeastern University), Ahmet Kurt (Suffolk University), Rodrigo Verdi (MIT)
Relationship Banking and Loan SyndicateStructure: The Role of Private EquitySponsors, Rongbing Huang (Kennesaw State University), Donghang Zhang (University of South Carolina), Yijia (Eddie) Zhao (University of Massachusetts Boston)
Investors’ evaluations of price-increase preannouncements, Leon Gim Lim (Tilburg School of Economics and Management), Kapil R.Tuli (Lee Kong Chian School of Business), Marnik G. Dekimpe (Tilburg School of Economics and Management; KU Leuven)
Predicting Changes in Earnings: A Walk Through a Random Forest, Joshua Hunt (University of Arkansas, Fayetteville)
Unintended Consequences of Eliminating Tax Havens, Juan Carlos Suárez Serrato (National Bureau of Economic Research)
The Changing Liability Structures of Information Technology Firms, Gary Templeton (Mississippi State University), Andrew Miller (Mississippi State University), Martin Ndicu (Northern Illinois University)
Mobilizing Market Power: Jurisdictional Expansion as Economic Statecraft, Nikhil Kalyanpur (Georgetown University) and Abraham L. Newman (Georgetown University)
The Market Premium of Sustainability in Healthcare Sector Firms, Gang Nathan Dong (Columbia University)
Real implications of corporate risk management: Review of main results and new evidence from a different methodology, Georges Dionne (HEC Montréal), Mohamed Mnasri (HEC Montréal)
Essays in Financial Economics, Simas Kučinskas (VU University Amsterdam)
Reconciling divergent findings on the speed of leverage adjustment, Robert B. Durand (Curtin University), Mark N. Harris (Curtin University) and Joye Khoo (Curtin University)
Earnings Information, Overvaluation, and the Forecast Dispersion Anomaly, Soonho Kim (Pukyong National University) and Haejung Na (California State University, Los Angeles)
Risk-Adjusted Index for Private Equity Evaluation Based of Predictive Firm Characteristics: An empirical study of the public firms taken private by financials buyers from 1997 to 2017 in the U.S., Hans Jacob Mustad (Norwegian School of Economics) and Oscar Opshaug Pedersen (Norwegian School of Economics)
The role of foreign and domestic venture capital ininnovation: evidence from China, Jiangjing Que (Central University of Finance and Economics), Xueyong Zhang (Central University of Finance and Economics)
Growth options and corporate goodness, Linh Thompson (Rachel), (University of South Florida)
Common Ownership and Competition in the Ready-To-Eat Cereal Industry, Matthew Backus (Columbia University and NBER), Christopher Conlon (New York University), Michael Sinkinson (Yale SOM and NBER)
The Slow Recovery of Small Business Lending: Interactions of Capital Market Incentives and Dodd-Frank Regulations, Xuan Zou (Rutgers University)
Market anomalies and disaster risk: Evidence from extreme weather events, Matthew G. Lanfear (EDHEC Business School), Abraham Lioui (EDHEC Business School), Mark G. Siebert (EDHEC Business School)
The Value of Corporate Political Connections: Evidence From Sudden Deaths, Viktar Fedaseyeu (Bocconi University), Lev Lvovskiy (BEROC)
The Contribution of Frictions to Expected Returns, Kazuhiro Hiraki (Queen Mary University of London) George Skiadopoulos (Queen Mary University of London)
The Effect of Bank Audit Committee Financial Experts on Loan Loss Provision Timeliness, Diana Choi (Ohio State University)
Financing Capacity and Fire Sales: Evidence from Bank Failures, Raghuram Rajan (University of Chicago) Rodney Ramcharan (Federal Reserve Board).
Executive Networks and Firm Policies: Evidence from the Random Assignment of MBA Peers Kelly Shue (University of Chicago)
The Causal Impact of Media in Financial Markets, Joseph Engelberg (University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill), Christopher Parsons (University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill)
The Exodus from Sovereign Risk: Sovereign Ceiling Violations in Credit Default Swap Markets C. Stace Sirmans (University of Florida), Andy Naranjo (University of Florida), Jongsub Lee (University of Florida)
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