Impactful Research using WRDS

As research methodologies and publishing shift to focus on impact, WRDS tools, services and applications enable researchers to get the most out of their work.

WRDS Increases Publications

Research documents the increase in the percentage of publications following the acquisition of WRDS.

Dissemination, Publication, and Impact of Finance Research: When Novelty Meets Conventionality, Rui Dai, Lawrence Donohue, Qingyi (Freda) Drechsler, Wei Jiang, Review of Finance

Data indicates that over the sample period, the number of research working papers increased more than fivefold, representing a yearly growth rate of 8.7%; and the proportion of empirical papers rose from 68% to 85%.

Featured Research

Common Ownership and Industry Profitability: A Cross-Industry View

All the President’s Friends: Political Access and Firm Value: Listen to the SiriusXM Wharton Business channel interview with co-authors

Do short sellers exploit news of related firms?

Tax Evasion Across Industries: Soft Credit Evidence from Greece

An Examination of Factors Affecting Financial Statement Placement Order

Universal fluctuations in growth dynamics of economic systems

Further Mining the Predictability of Moving Averages: Evidence from the US Stock Market

Social Capital and Innovation: Evidence from Connected Holdings

Can Credit Rating Agencies See Through Transitory Shocks to Credit Risk?

The effect of independent directors’ characteristics on firm performance: Tenure and multiple directorships

Do Foreign Investors Improve Market Efficiency?

Fundraising in the Hedge Fund Industry

Blood and Oil in the Orient, Redux, Research Note

Essays in Financial Economics

Complementarity of Passive and Active Investment on Stock Price Efficiency

Shadow Banking and Systemic Bailout Exposure,

Hear Me Write: Does CEO Narcissism Affect Disclosure?

Vertical Acquisitions, Integration and the Boundaries of the Firm

Measuring Effects from CEO Turnovers and Incentive-Based Compensation on Relative Corporate Performance

Divergent Market Responses to Human Capital Reorganizations

Institutional Trading Around M&A Announcements

Debt Covenant Violations, Credit Default Swap Pricing, and Borrowing Firms’ Accounting Conservatism

Capital market consequences of cultural influences on earnings: The case of cross-listed firms in the U.S. stock market

Motivating Capital Investment by Using the Audit Process to Increase Financial Transparency

Informed Trading of Mutual Funds: Evidence from Fund‐Underwriter Relationships

Prepare and Perform in a Dangerous World – Two Studies of Organizational Performance in Hazardous Contexts

Our Fates Entwined: A Social and Psychological Perspective of Control in Corporate Governance

Corporate charitable foundations, executive entrenchment, and shareholder distributions

Are US firms and markets becoming more short-term oriented? Evidence of shifting firm and investor time horizons, 1980-2013

An Input-Based Measure of Financial Statement Comparability

Relationship Banking and Loan SyndicateStructure: The Role of Private Equity Sponsors

Investors’ evaluations of price-increase preannouncements

Predicting Changes in Earnings: A Walk Through a Random Forest

Unintended Consequences of Eliminating Tax Havens

The Changing Liability Structures of Information Technology Firms

Mobilizing Market Power: Jurisdictional Expansion as Economic Statecraft

The Market Premium of Sustainability in Healthcare Sector Firms

Real implications of corporate risk management: Review of main results and new evidence from a different methodology

Essays in Financial Economics

Reconciling divergent findings on the speed of leverage adjustment

Earnings Information, Overvaluation, and the Forecast Dispersion Anomaly

Risk-Adjusted Index for Private Equity Evaluation Based of Predictive Firm Characteristics: An empirical study of the public firms taken private by financials buyers from 1997 to 2017 in the U.S.

The role of foreign and domestic venture capital in innovation: evidence from China

Growth options and corporate goodness

Common Ownership and Competition in the Ready-To-Eat Cereal Industry

The Slow Recovery of Small Business Lending: Interactions of Capital Market Incentives and Dodd-Frank Regulations

Market anomalies and disaster risk: Evidence from extreme weather events

The Value of Corporate Political Connections: Evidence From Sudden Deaths

The Contribution of Frictions to Expected Returns

The Effect of Bank Audit Committee Financial Experts on Loan Loss Provision Timeliness

Financing Capacity and Fire Sales: Evidence from Bank Failures

Executive Networks and Firm Policies: Evidence from the Random Assignment of MBA Peers

The Causal Impact of Media in Financial Markets

The Exodus from Sovereign Risk: Sovereign Ceiling Violations in Credit Default Swap Markets

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