Philadelphia Stock Exchange

The Philadelphia Stock Exchange founded in 1790 is the oldest organized stock exchange in the nation. As one of North America’s primary marketplaces for the trading of stocks, equity options, index options and currency options, the PHLX continues to be a market leader in the development and introduction of innovative new products and services.

The PHLX trades more than 2,800 stocks, 740 equity options, 12 sector index options and 100 currency pairs. On the equity floor, PHLX’s PACE (Philadelphia Automated Communication and Execution) system was one of the first automated equity trading systems on any exchange.

The PHLX’s Semiconductor Sector (SOX) Index Option has become one of the most actively traded sector index options offered by any exchange and serves as a widely quoted benchmark of the high-tech industry. Additionally, the Oil Service Sector (OSX) is the industry’s most successful new sector index option. Furthermore, the PHLX’s Gold/Silver Sector (XAU), KBW Bank Sector (BKX) and Utility Sector (UTY) are established in a highly competitive environment of other indices as leading industry indicators.

In perhaps one of the most important innovations since listed currency options themselves, the PHLX has created a unique market structure for the trading of currency options. Titled the United Currency Options Market (UCOM), it provides unprecedented flexibility and the availability of both standardized and customized currency options. Customized currency options offer choice of expiration date, strike (exercise) price, premium payment and any combination of 10 currencies currently available for a total of 100 possible currency pairs.


Product Description

Data Last Updated

phlx_all Philadelphia Stock Exchange Currency Options and Implied Volatility

Legacy data is no longer updated.



1900 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA
United States