The NASdaq TRade And Quote database provides intraday trades and quotes for all Nasdaq stocks.

There are five different types of data that you can retrieve from NASTRAQ data since January 2004:

  • NASDAQ Dealer Quotes
    This data will provide Market Participant quote changes in SuperMontage.
  • NASDAQ Inside Quote
    This data will provide Inside quote changes in SuperMontage.
  • NASDAQ Trades
    This data will provide Trades reported to Nasdaq.
  • UTP Trades
     This data will provide Trades reported to Nasdaq and other markets (consolidated).
  • UTP Inside Quotes

This data will provide Inside quote changes for SuperMontage and other markets (consolidated).


Product Description

Data Last Updated

nastraq_1999 NASDAQ Trades and Quotes 1999

Legacy data is no longer updated.

nastraq_2000 NASDAQ Trades and Quotes 2000

Legacy data is no longer updated.

nastraq_2001 NASDAQ Trades and Quotes 2001

Legacy data is no longer updated.

nastraq_2002 NASDAQ Trades and Quotes 2002

Legacy data is no longer updated.

nastraq_2003 NASDAQ Trades and Quotes 2003

Legacy data is no longer updated.

nastraq_2004 NASDAQ Trades and Quotes 2004

Legacy data is no longer updated.

nastraq_2005 NASDAQ Trades and Quotes 2005

Legacy data is no longer updated.

nastraq_2006 NASDAQ Trades and Quotes 2006

Legacy data is no longer updated.

nastraq_2007 NASDAQ Trades and Quotes 2007

Legacy data is no longer updated.

nastraq_2008 NASDAQ Trades and Quotes 2008

Legacy data is no longer updated.

nastraq_all NASDAQ Trades and Quotes - Exists for FK contraint

Legacy data is no longer updated.

nastraq_common NASTRAQ Trades and Quotes - for website use

Legacy data is no longer updated.



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