Mergent Inc.

Mergent Fixed Income Securities Database (FISD) for academia is a comprehensive database of publicly offered U.S. bonds. Research market trends, deal structures, issuer capital structures, and other topics in fixed income debt.

Data Available

The database, designed for academia, contains issue details on over 140,000 corporate, corporate MTN (medium-term note), supranational, U.S. Agency, and U.S. Treasury debt securities and includes more than 550 data items. Mergent FISD provides details on debt issues and the issuers, as well as transactions by insurance companies.


Product Description

Data Last Updated

fisd_common Mergent Common Files

Last updated August 16th, 2024. Data update frequency is not defined.

fisd_fisd Mergent FISD Database

Last updated August 16th, 2024. Data updated annually.

fisd_naic Mergent FISD transactions

Last updated July 30th, 2024. Data updated annually.

ftse_russell_us FTSE Russel US

Last updated September 10th, 2024. Data updated monthly.

fisdsamp_all Mergent FISD sample Sample

Last updated October 3rd, 2013. Data update frequency is not defined.

ftsesamp_russell_us FTSE Russell Sample Sample

Data update frequency is not defined.