Research trends around patents and intellectual property. Track ownership records with over 6,900,000 patent assignments—each patent record linking to historical assignees. Analyze 95,000,000+ global patent records from worldwide patent authorities.

Research trends around patents and intellectual property

Track ownership records with over 6,900,000 patent assignments—each patent record linking to historical assignees.
Analyze 95,000,000+ global patent records from worldwide patent authorities.


Product Description

Data Last Updated

ktmine_corptree ktMINE Corporate Tree

Last updated January 13th, 2021. Legacy data is no longer updated.

ktmine_patents ktMINE Patents

Last updated September 8th, 2016. Legacy data is no longer updated.

ktmine_corptree_samp ktMINE Corporate Tree Sample Sample

Legacy data is no longer updated.

ktmine_patents_samp ktMINE Patents Sample Sample

Legacy data is no longer updated.



940 W. Adams Street Suite 100
Chicago, IL
United States