Toyo Keizai Inc

WRDS is pleased to welcome its first Japanese data provider. Access the most comprehensive earnings information for all listed companies in Japan.

WRDS is pleased to welcome its first Japanese data provider. Access the most comprehensive earnings information for all listed companies in Japan. Estimates Research annual and interim estimates for items such as Sales, Operating Income, Ordinary Income, Net Income, as well as EPS and DPS, on a daily basis. Fundamentals Analyze comprehensive financial statements for all listed companies in Japan. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Extract information on 1,300 companies covering Human Resources, Governance, and Environment. Major Shareholders Research the top 30 major shareholders Overseas Japanese Companies Evaluate information of overseas affiliated companies and parent company.
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Product Description

Data Last Updated

toyo_common Toyo Keizai - Common Files for ALL subscribers of Fundamentals or Estimates

Data update frequency is not defined.

toyo_csr Toyo Keizai - CSR

Last updated June 5th, 2018. Data updates are not scheduled.

toyo_estimates Toyo Keizai - Estimates

Data update frequency is not defined.

toyo_fundamentals Toyo Keizai - Fundamentals

Data update frequency is not defined.

toyo_overseas Toyo Keizai - Overseas Japanese Companies

Last updated May 2nd, 2023. Legacy data is no longer updated.

toyo_shareholders Toyo Keizai - Major Shareholders

Last updated September 4th, 2024. Data updated quarterly.

toyo_trend3epot None

Data update frequency is not defined.

toyosamp_all Toyo Keizai Trial / Sample Subsets Sample

Data update frequency is not defined.