OTC Markets Group

Access comprehensive, timely and accurate data available on the ten thousand securities that trade on the OTCQX, OTCQB and OTC Pink Marketplaces.

  • Access closing quote and trade data
  • Key security reference data includes Security Type, Security Class, Security Status and Number of Market Participants

Research conducted with OTC data

The Twilight Zone: OTC Regulatory Regimes and Market Quality, Christian Leuz with Ulf Brüggemann, Aditya Kaul, and Ingrid M. Werner

Asset Pricing in the Dark: The Cross-Section of OTC Stocks, Ang, Shtauber, Tetlock


Product Description

Data Last Updated

otc_endofday OTC Markets End-of-Day Pricing

Last updated October 21st, 2024. Data updated daily.



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New York, NY
United States