IHS Global Insight

IHS Global Insight offers the most comprehensive economic coverage of countries, regions and industries available from any source. Their collection of U.S. and international financial, economic and industry data is complimented by more than 225 analysts, researchers and economists whose expertise covers over 120 industries and 200 countries.

IHS Global Insight offers the most comprehensive economic coverage of countries, regions, and industries available from any source. Their collection of U.S. and international financial, economic, and industry data is complemented by more than 225 analysts, researchers, and economists whose expertise covers over 120 industries and 200 countries.

Learn more about IHS Global Insight

For pricing information please contact:

Jim Donald Jim.Donald@ihsmarkit.com


Product Description

Data Last Updated

ginsight_all Global Insight All

Last updated January 25th, 2021. Legacy data is no longer updated.

ginsight_basic Global Insight Basic

Last updated January 25th, 2021. Legacy data is no longer updated.

ginsight_common Global Insight Common

Last updated January 25th, 2021. Legacy data is no longer updated.

ginsight_econanly Global Insight Economic Analytics

Last updated January 25th, 2021. Legacy data is no longer updated.