Hedge Fund Research, Inc. (HFR)

Hedge Fund Research (HFR) provides data on the historical performance of hedge funds, and is considered a global leader in the alternative investment industry. Established in1992, HFR produces the HFRI, HFRX, and HFRU indices, which are the industry's most widely used benchmarks of global hedge fund performance.

Data Available

The active HFR Database currently contains over 7,500 hedge funds and fund of funds. The HFR Dead Funds Database (funds that were previously listed in the active Database but either liquidated or stopped reporting to HFR) contains over 13,500 funds. Information and performance on over 21,000 total alternative investment vehicles is available from HFR via the WRDS platform.

Learn More Hedge Fund Research, Inc

For pricing information please contact:

Email: database@hfr.com
Phone: 312-658-0955


Product Description

Data Last Updated

hfr_academic_dead Hedge Fund Research Database - Academic Version - Dead Funds (No Identifiers)

Last updated July 2nd, 2024. Data updated monthly.

hfr_academic_live Hedge Fund Research Database - Academic Version - Live Funds (No Identifiers)

Last updated July 2nd, 2024. Data updated monthly.

hfr_hfrdb Hedge Fund Research Database - Live Funds (with Identifiers)

Last updated July 2nd, 2024. Data updated monthly.

hfr_hfrdb_dead Hedge Fund Research Database - Dead Funds (with Identifiers)

Last updated July 2nd, 2024. Data updated monthly.

hfrsamp_hfrdb HFR Sample (non-identifiers) Sample

Data update frequency is not defined.



10 S. Riverside Plaza, Suite 700
Chicago, IL
United States