Federal Judicial Center

The Federal Judicial Center's (FJC) Integrated Database contains data on all federal, civil, criminal, bankruptcy, and appellate court case information reported by the courts to the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts. Coverage: mid-1969 through the present.

The Federal Judicial Center's (FJC) Integrated Database contains data on all federal, civil, criminal, bankruptcy, and appellate court case information reported by the courts to the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts.

Coverage: mid-1969 through present.

FJC is included with your institution's WRDS subscription.

For more information please contact:

WRDS | http://whartonwrds.com | wrds-support@wharton.upenn.edu


Product Description

Data Last Updated

fjc_linking Federal Judicial Center Linking

Last updated March 5th, 2020. Data updates are not scheduled.

fjc_litigation Federal Judicial Center Litigation

Last updated March 5th, 2025. Data updated quarterly.



Thurgood Marshall Federal Judiciary Building One Columbus Circle NE
Washington, DC
United States