FactSet provides financial data and market intelligence on securities, companies, and industries: (1) FactSet Fundamentals contains financial statements and and other metrics used to analyze publicly traded companies; (2) FactSet Revere maps company exposures, competitors, and supply chain relationships; (3) FactSet Ownership provides information on institutional and insider ownership of publicly traded companies.
Data Available
The availability and depth of data and tools within FactSet may vary based on the specific subscription, as it offers a range of products and solutions tailored to different organizations.
FactSet Fundamentals enables access to current, comprehensive, and comparative information on securities in worldwide developed and emerging markets. Composed of annual and interim/quarterly data, detailed historical financial statement content, per share data, and calculated ratios, FactSet Fundamentals provides you with the information you need for a global investment perspective .
FactSet Revere specialty datasets offer a detailed mapping of company multi-industry exposures and competitors (Hierarchy, Hierarchy with Revenue, and RBICS); customers, suppliers, partners and competitors (Supply Chain Relationships); standardized revenues by geography (“GeoRev” Geographic Revenue Exposure).
FactSet Ownership provides institutional, mutual fund, stakeholder, and float-related share ownership information for equities and fixed income securities worldwide from company and institutional filings, investor reports, and press releases. Updated daily, this database provides 17+ years of history across 120 countries.
How does the FactSet Ownership Summary Tool enhance the Ownership data?
- By providing aggregate ownership measures (at the firm-quarter level) commonly used in analysis or papers not often easy to compute from the original data.
- Delivering a downloadable file with new data insight: details in terms of origin and type of institutional investors (Herfindhal Index).
This tool was created by Professor Miguel Ferreria (Nova School of Business and Economics) and Pedro Matos (University of Virginia – Darden School of Business), in collaboration with WRDS.
For pricing information on FactSet data, please contact:
Phone: 877-GETWRDS (438-9737)
Email: wrds@wharton.upenn.edu
Product | Description |
factset_common |
Factset Common Files
Last updated February 7th, 2025. Data updated quarterly. |
factset_ff_int |
Factset Fundamentals non US and CAN region
Last updated February 7th, 2025. Data updated quarterly. |
factset_ff_usc |
Factset Fundamentals US and CAN region
Last updated February 6th, 2025. Data updated quarterly. |
factset_own |
Factset Ownership LionShares
Last updated February 6th, 2025. Data updated quarterly. |
factset_revere_common |
Factset Revere - Common Files included with all Revere subscriptions
Last updated March 15th, 2025. Data updated weekly. |
factset_revere_geo_rev |
Factset Revere - Geographic Revenue Exposure
Last updated March 15th, 2025. Data updated weekly. |
factset_revere_ind_class |
Factset Revere - Industry Classification and Business Segment Revenue
Last updated March 15th, 2025. Data updated weekly. |
factset_revere_supply_chain |
Factset Revere - Supply Chain / Relationships
Last updated March 15th, 2025. Data updated weekly. |
factsamp_all |
Factset sample
Data update frequency is not defined. |
factsamp_revere |
Factset Revere - Trial / Sample
Last updated August 31st, 2015. Data update frequency is not defined. |