ETF Global

ETF Global is a provider of exchange-traded fund data, enabling researchers to better understand the composition and performance of over 3600 U.S. listed ETFs.

Profile Data

Some of the types of information that researchers can access through ETF Global include:

  • Product information on expenses, tracking index, assets under management (AUM), trading, and bid-ask spread.
  • Industry-specific information on service providers and lead market makers.
  • Classification details on market exposure, geographic exposure, and industry exposure.


Product Description

Data Last Updated

etfg_analytics ETF Global Analytics

Last updated July 3rd, 2024. Data updated monthly.

etfg_constituents ETF Global Constituents

Last updated July 5th, 2024. Data updated monthly.

etfg_fund_flow ETF Global Fund Flow

Last updated July 5th, 2024. Data updated monthly.

etfg_industry ETF Global Industry

Last updated July 6th, 2024. Data updated monthly.

etfg_samp ETF Global - Trial / Sample Sample

Last updated December 15th, 2021. Data update frequency is not defined.