Bureau van Dijk (BvD)

Bureau van Dijk is widely recognized as a specialist provider of both public and hard to reach private company information within the academic community.

Data Available:

  • Orbis - a tool used to verify a company exists and to source company reports.
  • Amadeus - comprehensive information on around 21 million companies Western and Eastern Europe.
  • Osiris - detailed information on major unlisted/delisted companies across the globe.
  • Moody's Analytics Bankfocus - comprehensive, portfolio-level view of a bank’s group exposure.

Learn More About Bureau van Dijk

For pricing information please contact:

Americas | help@bvdinfo.com | +1 331-401-1800
United Kingdom | bvd@bvdinfo.com | +44 (0) 7549-5000
Asia Pacific | chinaedu@bvdinfo.com or xuesong.lu@moodys.com | +86 10-85411210


Product Description

Data Last Updated

bvd_ama_large BvD Amadeus Large Companies

Last updated September 6th, 2024. Data updated monthly.

bvd_ama_medium BvD Amadeus Medium Companies

Last updated September 7th, 2024. Data updated monthly.

bvd_ama_small BvD Amadeus Small Companies

Last updated September 7th, 2024. Data updated monthly.

bvd_ama_verylarge BvD Amadeus Very Large Companies

Last updated September 7th, 2024. Data updated monthly.

bvd_bankscope BvD Bankscope (Legacy)

Legacy data is no longer updated.

bvd_bvdbankf BvD Orbis Bank Focus

Last updated November 27th, 2023. Data updated annually.

bvd_bvdbankf_trial BvD Bank Focus Trial

Data update frequency is not defined.

bvd_legacy BvD Legacy Products

Legacy data is no longer updated.

bvd_orbis_large BvD Orbis Very Large and Large Companies

Last updated June 28th, 2024. Data updated annually.

bvd_orbis_medium BvD Orbis Medium Companies

Last updated June 28th, 2024. Data updated annually.

bvd_orbis_small BvD Orbis Small Companies

Last updated July 4th, 2024. Data updated annually.

bvd_osiris BvD Osiris

Last updated November 29th, 2023. Data updated annually.

bvd_amadeus_trial BvD Amadeus Trial Sample

Data update frequency is not defined.

bvd_orbis_trial BvD Orbis Sample Sample

Data update frequency is not defined.