Linking Suite by WRDS


Easily Link tables between the most frequently-used databases on the WRDS platform:

  • Bond-CRSP Link Directly link fixed income data at the individual bond level to the equity data from the CRSP database.
  • IBES-CRSP Link Historical matching of IBES TICKER with CRSP PERMNO.
  • OptionMetrics-CRSP Link OptionMetrics SECID and CRSP PERMNO.
  • Daily TAQ-CRSP Link TAQ symbol root and CRSP PERMNO.
  • Monthly TAQ-CRSP Link TAQ symbol and CRSP PERMNO.
  • BoardEx-CRSP Compustat Link CRSP and Compustat firm identifiers and BoardEx firm identifiers.
  • Refinitiv (Thomson Reuters) Insiders-BoardEx Link Refinitiv Insider Filing data and BoardEx data.
  • Supply Chain with IDs uses customer identifiers linked by historical CRSP and Compustat company fields.

The Bond CRSP Link requires subscriptions to TRACE/Enhanced TRACE and CRSP databases; the IBES CRSP Link requires subscriptions to IBES and CRSP databases; the OptionMetrics CRSP Link requires subscriptions to OptionMetrics and CRSP databases; both the Daily and the Monthly TAQ CRSP Links require subscriptions to either daily or monthly TAQ and CRSP databases; the BoardEx CRSP Compustat Link requires subscriptions to BoardEx, CRSP, and Compustat; the Refinitiv/Thomson Reuters Insiders to BoardEx link requires subscriptions to Refinitiv/Thomson Reuters Insiders and BoardEx; the Supply Chain with IDs requires subscriptions to Compustat, CRSP and CCM.